HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips Items for HLINks

All the news you need and more

Friday, 1 July 2022

Welcome back to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin HLINks.

This week's HAPPI Hour was in association with ASH (Action of Smoking and Health) on the findings the recent ‘Smoking and social housing: Supporting residents, addressing inequalities’ report. A big thank you to our speakers who shared some of the innovative practice being undertaken on this issue from across the country. Missed it? The recording and speaker presentation slides are now available here.

It was also great to be back at the CIH annual conference in Manchester after 3 years and to catch up with several Housing LIN members in person there. I was also delighted to be invited to chair the session on Technology for an Ageing Population on the Connected Futures Stage. I was joined by TAPPI partner, Alyson Scurfield from TSA, Shirley Hall from ExtraCare Charitable Trust, Natalie Record from the Connected Places Catapult, Fiona Brown from North East ADASS and Dr Vikki McCall from the University of Stirling. 

In other news that caught my interest, we signpost to:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, please get in contact.

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Pride and your community


Published by Orbit, Sandra shares her incredibly inspirational story. Sandra was around eight years old when she felt she was ‘different’. At the age of 80 she knew she wasn’t living life as her true self and decided to act on it. Sandra decided it was time to show people who she knew was the real her, and with support from her carer and Orbit Scheme employees took action. In February 2021 Sandra made the change to become her true self not only inside her home, but more importantly, within her community.

Telford & Wrekin named council of the year at MJ Awards

Telford & Wrekin logo

The Housing LIN congratulates Telford & Wrekin Council on winning the prize of Local Authority of the Year at the recent MJ Awards. Ian Copeman, Housing LIN Business Director, has provided support to Telford & Wrekin Council over the past few years across a range of projects including producing the evidence base for and drafting the Council’s Specialist and Supported Accommodation strategy and supporting the development of its Homes for All Supplementary Planning Document.

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

The Department of Health and Social Care sets out a vision for a digitally enabled health and social care system

Dep for health and social care

Published by The Department of Health and Social Care, the plan for digital health and social care sets out a vision for a digitally enabled health and social care system and how we can achieve it – it collates existing digital strategies, plans and guidance into one single action plan.

TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation - Weekly update

TAPPI logo

Next week is #CoProWeek, a key TAPPI principle. We celebrate by revealing the successful ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and ‘Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partners for TAPPI2: from Principles to Implementation!

Would you like to receive regular TAPPI2 updates direct to your inbox? If you haven’t already, please remember to update your Housing LIN profile and tick the ‘Telecare and Digital Technology’ topic.

Otherwise you can find out more on this exciting programme that aims ensure that the evidence gathered by the Inquiry in TAPPI1 is built upon and used to create a widely accepted Framework which embeds the recommended TAPPI Principles within a transformational change programme, visit the TAPPI2 microsite, hosted by the Housing LIN.

What else caught our interest?

Health and social care, mental health and learning disability

NHS England new: Integrated Care Systems come into place on 1 July

NHS Digital Logo

The Health and Care Act 2022 has now completed the parliamentary process and has received Royal Assent. This is an important step on the journey towards establishing ICSs, moving them onto a statutory footing with the establishment of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs). This will take place today,  the 1 July 2022, as communicated in the NHS 2022/2023 priorities and operational planning guidance.

Research: Accommodation and supported housing for people with learning disabilities and autistic people

HLIN Hands

The Learning Disability and Autism Housing Network (LDAHN) and the Housing LIN are working together to undertake research about supported housing for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people in England. As part of this research we will be inviting housing providers to complete a survey about their provision of supported housing for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people in England.

What else caught our interest?


Remote patient monitoring for long term conditions in West Wales

Hywel Dda Image

Building upon its successful CONNECT proactive technology enabled care (TEC) programme, Delta Wellbeing is working in partnership with Hywel Dda local Health Board to support patients with long term conditions in a community setting using telehealth. The trial focuses on encouraging people with long term conditions such as cardiac, lung and chronic disease to self-manage by supporting them in their own homes using technology.


What caught our interest?

Scotland flag


Watch, Listen & Learn

TAPPI logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Next week’s HLINks

Next week is #CoProWeek, a celebration of the benefits of co-production, and #RuralHousingWeek, an opportunity to showcase the fantastic work housing associations do in rural communities. We’ll be drawing your attention to a selection of resources, tools and best practice around both these topics.

We are also excited to reveal the successful ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and ‘Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partners for TAPPI2: from Principles to Implementation!

And hot on the heels of this week's release of the government's digital plan, our upcoming HAPPI Hour, in association with Tunstall Healthcare, puts the spotlight on how technology can also raise our ambitions and help make better connections between housing, health and social care. Secure your place here!

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.