HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips Items for HLINks

All the news you need and more

Friday, 8 July 2022

Welcome back to #Jeremytalks. What a week it has been on the policy and political front!

First a bit of normality! This week was #CoProWeek and the Housing LIN has been busy promoting the benefits of co-production as an opportunity to transform the way housing, health and care services are designed and delivered into an approach that offers people real choice, and control. 

Continuing this week’s theme of co-production, we were delighted to announce the successful ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and 'Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partner for ‘TAPPI2: from Principles to Implementation’. We welcome Co-Production Works and The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) on board the next stage of the project, led by the Housing LIN in partnership with TEC Services Association and funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust. Read the full announcement here.

We also held a successful HAPPI Hour webinar on technology and housing with guest speakers from the Department of Health and Social Care, The Dunhill Medical Trust and Tunstall Healthcare. Missed it? The recording, presentation slides and chat report are now available to download here.

In other news that caught my interest, we signpost to:

And lastly, with the Prime Minister forced to resign, the Secretary of State Michael Gove MP sacked - and replaced by Greg Clark - and the Cabinet in turmoil, I noted that the chair of the government's Housing for Older People Taskforce, Housing Minister Stuart Andrew MP, had also resigned. We await further information about his replacement at ministerial level and leading the Taskforce. However, as they say, a week in politics is a long time!

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, please get in contact.

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

How can housing associations play a lead role in levelling up rural areas?


It’s #RuralHousingWeek and the Housing LIN would like to draw your attention to a range of useful resources that address the challenges facing housing in rural communities, including an Inquiry report that made several 'rural proofing' recommendations to increase the quality, supply, and range of more appropriate age-friendly housing.

Unlocking Potential For Seniors Housing: Meeting The Needs Of An Ageing Society

Unlocking Potential For Seniors Housing Meeting The Needs Of An Ageing Society Cover

Irwin Mitchell worked with property experts Knight Frank to look at seniors’ housing planning and the progress local authorities are making to provide suitable housing for our ageing population.

Find out how UK local authorities are supporting this issue and how this will affect our elderly in the coming decades.

What else caught our interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation - Weekly update

TAPPI logo

We are delighted to announce the successful ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and ‘Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partners for ‘TAPPI2: from Principles to Implementation’, led by the Housing LIN in partnership with TEC Services Association and funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust.

Hear from both Co-production Works and The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) as they share what their role entails and why they are an essential part of TAPPI team.

This programme aims to ensure that the evidence gathered by the Inquiry in TAPPI1 is built upon and used to create a widely accepted Framework which embeds the recommended TAPPI Principles within a transformational change programme. Find out more by visiting the TAPPI2 microsite, hosted by the Housing LIN.

What else caught our interest?

Health and social care, mental health and learning disability

Do you work in mental health? Are you involved in commissioning services for young people experiencing a mental health crisis? Or do you have a personal experience of a child/young person in a mental health crisis?

Look Ahead logo

Care Research, an independent research organisation, is currently seeking views from health and social care professionals involved in commissioning or working in children and young people's crisis provision in London and the South East.

The research, commissioned by Look Ahead Care and Support and funded by the Wates Family Enterprise Trust, is looking to quantify the need for community provision for young people who are in mental health crisis, recommend new and innovative services that better support young people with acute mental ill health and influence policy and key decision making.

Share your views by completing this short Professionals questionnaire and/or Children & families questionnaire.

Co-producing with head and heat

Co-producing with head and heart

In 2015 South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) were delighted that Sheffield was named one of only 14 areas in England to be awarded the Ageing Better programme from The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF).

This report outlines how Age Better in Sheffield has brought people together to build a city where everyone is proud to grow older.

A unique partnership to better support individuals living with learning disabilities

Everon logo

Hft, a national charity providing services for people with learning disabilities, has partnered with leading digital grouped living provider Everon to develop personalised care tech solutions fit for the future. The new system has meant it is possible to log into the system remotely to see the history and outcomes of any alerts, enabling staff to build patterns of behaviour to enhance care and support for individuals.

What else caught our interest?

Dementia and Housing

Left to Cope Alone: The unmet support needs after a dementia diagnosis

Left to cope alone cover

Alzheimer’s Society says support following a dementia diagnosis is ‘unequal, inconsistent and inadequate’, with one in five carers saying lack of support meant their loved ones ended up in A&E. A new report by the charity revealed three in five (61%) of people affected by dementia did not feel they had received enough support in the last 12 months.


What caught our interest?

Flag Wales


What caught our interest?

Scotland flag


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

You're invited to join our forthcoming HAPPI Hours webinars!

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Next week’s HLINks

Next week, we look forward to publishing a new Housing LIN guest blog by Jessamy Hayes, Programme Manager, Independent Living and Supported Living at Norfolk County Council on communicating about older peoples housing choices. In addition, we’ll also share our newest Inspirational Achievement with Places for People Living Plus on their new innovative module living project, Jubilee Place, Wisbech.

And, if you are interested in 'downsizing' and 'rightplacing' in relation to older adults and age-friendly neighbourhoods, we have lined-up a great HAPPI Hour webinar on Tuesday, 12 July at 4pm focussing on applied research by the universities of Cambridge and Sheffield in Hackney and the University of Manchester in Greater Manchester. Secure your place!!

Lastly, we will also report on a new report by Kellogg University, Oxford, for the Commission on Healthy Cities chaired by Lord Best.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.