HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips Items for HLINks

All the news you need and more

Friday, 2nd September 2022

Welcome back to #Jeremytalks and this week's HLINks, the first e-bulletin after our news break. Hope you had a good summer?

To coincide with this week's news updates, we share a new Housing LIN blog by our Business Director, Ian Copeman. In celebration of #StartsAtHomeDay, Ian shares his thoughts on the value of care and support services at home.  

Today’s edition also shares an overview of Housing LIN news items released last month, including a selection of new blogs, a new Housing LIN Case Study on Interior Design and sponsorship announcement with the leading social housing provider, Stonewater.   

And, in case you missed it, we celebrated an impressive turnout to our Spring/Summer HAPPI Hour series! Nearly 3,000 people registered to attend 17 sessions with over 6,800 who watched again on YouTube! You can now also browse our Autumn/Winter programme starting on Wednesday, 21 September.

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, Stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products

Engaging residents less likely to access formal social opportunities, community activities and support

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Jo Stapleton, Good Practice Mentor and Outreach Specialist at Age UK Camden, reveals how to find, approach and engage the people ‘no-one’ knows, including men, BAME communities and individuals less likely to say ‘yes’ to accessing formal services, community activities and support.

You may also have missed:

  • Are you a provider of supported housing for rent for people with learning disabilities and/or autism? Take part in this survey by Friday, 16 September 2022.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Starts at Home Day: A Housing LIN perspective

Team profile Ian Copeman

In celebration of #StartsAtHomeDay, Ian Copeman, the Housing LIN’s Business Director, shares his thoughts on the role of supported housing to help people to live as independently as possible and what experience the Housing LIN has supporting commissioners and operators of supported housing.

£2m research to study impact of place and stigma on older disabled adults

Led by University of Stirling, the study ‘Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing (ISPA)’, will investigate and identify how stigma related to age, disability, and where someone lives, creates additional barriers for older people living with sensory and mobility impairments.

Key interior design considerations for later living environments

Interior Considerations Factsheet cover

This Factsheet (no 34), a collaboration between Park Grove Design Ltd and the Housing LIN, shares latest key interior design considerations when developing environments for later living which are both inviting and in-line with current design research and practice.

A mixed age, intergenerational living model of extra care housing in Leicester

Housing LIN Case Study No164 Cover

This new Housing LIN Case Study (No. 164) written by Natasha Bednall, Business Change Commissioning Manager at Leicester City Council, features an extra care housing scheme where the tenants are a mix of working-age adults with a care and support need as well as older adults.

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

Why are TECS underrepresented in the training of housing professionals?

Andy Hart Headshot 112x112

Andy Hart, Head of Delivery and Technical Support at Tunstall Healthcare, on the importance of educating housing professionals in the benefits and appropriate use of technology such as Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS).

TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation - Weekly update

TAPPI logo

Led by the Housing LIN, the TEC Services Association (TSA) and funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust, the TAPPI project will co-produce new tech tools with people who have lived experience over a 12 - 15-month period.

Next week, we look forward to announcing the 6 successful locality 'testbeds' (or demonstrator sites), led by community-based organisations who will ensure that the principles proposed during Phase 1 are developed and tested in real settings during this second phase of the programme.

Health and social care, mental health and learning disability

Anticipatory Care: Interventions Framework

NHS England

This Intervention Framework sets out key areas in which interventions may be effective to address the issues identified during assessment and care planning. It gives an indication of the types of services and supports that might need to be in place to address the AC requirements of individuals.

Adult social care charging reform: distribution of funding 2023 to 2024

Department of Health and Social Care logo

On the 8th August 2022, the Department for Health and Social Care published a technical consultation seeking views on proposals for distributing funding to support the first year of delivery of adult social care charging reform in 2023 to 2024. The consultation puts forward multiple options for distributing funding for needs and financial assessments, the extension to the means test, and the cap on care costs. 

This consultation will close on 23 September 2022. The department will then study the responses to this consultation and confirm the chosen approach by, at the latest, the 2023 to 2024 provisional Local Government Finance Settlement.

For any queries, please contact the Adult Social Care Funding Distribution Team’s inbox: ascdistribution@dhsc.gov.uk

Care and support and homelessness: Top tips on the role of adult social

Care and support and homelessness cover

These top tips, developed as part of the LGA and ADASS’s work with the Shared Outcomes Fund, seeks to support directors of adult social services and their teams, focusing on the role of social care in supporting people experiencing and recovering from homelessness.


Prime Minister launches 'Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission'

Department of Health and Social Care logo

Prime Minister Boris Johnson launches national mission to tackle dementia and doubles research funding to £160 million a year by 2024.

  • New taskforce to speed up dementia research, using the successful approach of the Covid Vaccine Taskforce 
  • Prime Minister calls for volunteers to come forward and join ‘Babs’ Army’ by signing up for clinical trials


Living well at home: Housing and dementia in Scotland

Living Well At Home Cover

The National Housing and Dementia Forum launched their final report yesterday Living well at home: Housing and dementia in Scotland making recommendations on changes needed to improve housing outcomes for people living with dementia.

Housing LIN Team Member Segment

Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer at Housing LIN, shares...

Lois Beech

"This week, I was really impressed to see that Thirteen Group have redeveloped one of their offices into sheltered accommodation with great results! What a brilliant use of redundant space in an ideal location in central Middlesborough!"


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Join us on Wednesday, 21 September as we return for the Autumn/Winter series of HAPPI Hour webinars!

Events supported by the Housing LIN

We are pleased to draw attention to a selection of other events that we think Housing LIN members may find of interest. They are:

Next week’s HLINks

Next week, we look forward to announcing the 6 successful TAPPI locality 'testbeds' (or demonstrator sites), led by community-based organisations who will ensure that the principles proposed during Phase 1 are developed and tested in real settings during this second phse of the programme.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, please get in contact.


Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.