HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 7 October 2022

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and this week's HLINks.

This week we were delighted to support Housing Diversity Day 2022, an opportunity to share your experiences and journey with equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector. 

Today, we see the official launch and publication of a new East of England ADASS report, Putting people at the heart of new housing development: Coproducing the place we call home. I was delighted to be invited to be part of the advisory group and we look forward to featuring the findings in an upcoming HAPPI Hour session on 1 November. 

If you missed it, you can now read my article on 'The four-pronged approach to integration' published in Care Talks, here

And a quick reminder that we were pleased to host this week's HAPPI Hour webinar with the University of Stirling and Stonewater on Ageing well with Assistive Technology

We follow up on this in next week's session with Lord Best about his recent Commission report by Kellogg College, Oxford, on 'What Creates Healthy Cities?'

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN news & publications

What's your experience and journey with equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector?

Housing Diversity Day cover

This week we celebrated Housing Diversity Day 2022, an opportunity to share your experiences and journey with equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector. We were delighted to share a few examples and resources to help inspire and support one another's learning and form a library that we can all draw from in our diversity journey.

Consultancy report

Housing our Ageing Population

Housing our ageing population cover

There is a distinct and urgent need to provide a better range of housing options to meet the wide variety of housing circumstances, aspirations and needs of people as they age.

Written by Ian Copeman and Lois Beech from the Housing LIN, the report captures the learning from a selection of exemplar councils which demonstrate how they are playing a significant place-making role in shaping the current and future supply of housing for an ageing population in their areas. 

Sector news and publications

Putting people at the heart of new housing development: Coproducing the place we call home

Putting people at the heart of new housing development: Coproducing the place we call home

This Best Practice Guide, published by East of England LGA, features case studies demonstrating integrated working and a high level of coproduction drawn from across the eastern region and further afield from a variety of organisations. 

It focusses on new housing developments that have been selected by their Eastern Regional Housing Working Group and includes some leading edge examples.

My safe haven

TAPPI2 e-banner image

Alyson Scurfield, CEO, TEC Services Association (TSA), explains how the TAPPI project aims to identify how technology can be used to enable elderly people to remain living in their own homes.

She shares how we intend to create a blue print for delivering digital care and housing services successfully within communities to find the best ways to support people to live in their own homes and communities for longer and giving a voice to residents is the first critical step on this journey. 

The case for developing specialist older person’s housing

Older Person’s Housing Group cover

Projections reveal that we need 38,000 new homes for rent for older people each year, far in excess of the annual average output of 8,000 seen over the last decade.

This new publication from the National Housing Federation seeks to identify these barriers and challenges and outlines the key asks of national and local government to enable our members to deliver much needed additional older person’s accommodation.

Green space and loneliness: A systematic review with theoretical and methodological guidance for future research

Green space and loneliness cover

This systematic review reported that two-thirds of the studies analysed recognised that green space potentially protected people against loneliness. It also provides theoretical and methodological guidance for future research.

Public Health Spatial Planning in Practice

Public Health Spatial Planning in Practice - Summary

Published by the UK Health Security Agency, ‘Public Health Spatial Planning in Practice’ sets out the reasons for and the benefits which arise from a reimagined system which reunites spatial planning and public health and makes the case for making health and wellbeing an underpinning organising principle for spatial planning decisions.

Department of Health and Social Care announce £500 Million Adult Social Care Discharge Fund in plan for patients

Dep for health and social care

The Department of Health and Social Care has announced its plan for patients, including a £500 million to support adult social care to help people needing discharge from hospital into social care. 

Further details on how this money will be distributed and conditions will be announced shortly and we will confirm how this funding will link to the Better Care Fund programme at that time.

Local Authorities needed for large-scale study on cost-effectiveness of bathing adaptations for older adults


The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is carrying out a randomised controlled trial into whether having a walk-in shower improves or maintains older people’s health, safety, quality of life, and ability to manage their personal care. The study is also looking at whether speeded-up provision of a walk-in shower is more cost-effective. 

The trial will produce information about the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of bathing adaptations for disabled older people. To find out more or get involved visit the NIHR website 

Longitude Prize on Dementia offers new hope in helping people with dementia stay independent

Alzheimer's society logo

Alzheimer’s Society, Innovate UK and Challenge Works are calling for innovators around the world to use artificial intelligence to create breakthrough technologies that learn from a person living with dementia.

Last week they launched a new £4.34 million Longitude Prize on Dementia, and are calling for innovators around the world to use artificial intelligence to create breakthrough technologies that learn from a person living with dementia. More details here.

National housing group call out for new members affected by dementia

DHWG Logo 160pxs

The Dementia and Housing Working Group work with the housing sector to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia. The group are now keen to involve people affected by dementia in the planning and prioritising stage of the group’s activity. They are inviting new members living with dementia or caring for loved one with dementia and have an interest in this work.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the group, please contact Vanessa Pritchard - Vanessa.Pritchard-Wilkes@housing21.org.uk

Housing LIN team member segment

Sally Taylor-Ridgway, Digital Communications, Marketing and Event's Officer, shares...

Sally Taylor-Ridgway news

"So pleased to hear that Dr Sophie Yarker, one of our previous HAPPI Hour speakers and Research Fellow at University of Manchester's Urban Ageing Research Group, was named Researcher of the Year. Very well deserved! Sophie’s research focuses on social infrastructure and urban ageing. She published her first sole authored this year, Creating Spaces for an Ageing Society: The Role of Critical Social Infrastructure. I was delighted to connect with Sophie back in February when she expanded on these at one of our previous HAPPI Hours, Social Prescribing: it’s a better prescription and in this blog post



Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Next week

Next week, we look forward to reading a new publication by Almhouse Association on almshouse and the impact of almshouse charities in the COVID-19 pandemic.   

We also excitedly anticipate our HAPPI Hour - What Creates Healthy Cities? session drawing on the key messages from the Commission on Creating Healthy Cities, chaired by Lord Best.

And, we look forward to publishing our newest Inspirational Achievement in partnership with Tunstall Healthcare

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.