HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 14 October 2022

Welcome to #JeremyTalks and this week's HLINks.

What another full on week for the Housing LIN! We were delighted to be joined by Lord Best in Tuesday's HAPPI Hour webinar reflecting on 'What creates healthy cities? We heard from the Commission's author and two urban health projects funded by the UKRI's Healthy Ageing Challenge. Missed it? You can rewatch it here

On the publication front, we issued the following resources:

In other news, we promoted a blog by TSA's Chief Executive, Alyson Scurfield, on the TAPPI project aims. We also drew attention to Mental Health Awareness Day.

Throughout the week, I co-judged the CIH's Housing Design Awards (ceremony on 25 November in Manchester) and attended two events in person, chairing a session on 'Designing cities for older people' on the 2nd day of the SALUS' Healthy City Design conference in London followed by presenting at Abbeyfield's regional event in York. 

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

Our first TAPPI Phase 2 - Get Together!

TAPPI2 Get Together screengrab 131022

We were delighted to gather with TAPPI project funder, The Dunhill Medical Trust and project partners, TEC Services Association (TSA), Co-Production Works and the Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research

It was also the first occasion for all TAPPI testbeds - Pobl Group, Southend Care, London Borough of Haringey, Bield Housing and Care, Platform Housing Group and Wiltshire Council - to meet and exchange their thoughts and ambitions for the second phase of the project. We look forward to working closely with such as inspirational group of organisations! 

In this blog, originally published in Tomorrow’s Care on 4th October 2022, Alyson Scurfield, CEO at TSA, explains how the second phase of the TAPPI project aims to identify how technology can be used to enable elderly people to remain living in their own homes.

New Inspirational Achievement - Tunstall Healthcare and Beyond Housing

We are delighted to share a new Inspirational Achievement showcasing Tunstall's work with Beyond Housing to help place telecare enabled services at the forefront of service provision, revolutionise housing, and ensure vulnerable people are prepared for future challenges.

We support Mentel Health Awareness Day 2022!

Mental Health Week 2022 cover

The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health. To support, we share how suitable housing options and related services, and timely support interventions can respond to the needs of people with specific mental health conditions and improve their health and wellbeing.


Diversity in Care Environments (DICE)

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Launched earlier this year, the resources found on this microsite are based on findings from the Diversity in Care Environments research study, conducted by the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, in collaboration with the International Longevity Centre-UK and the Housing LIN.

They help promote social inclusion in housing with care and support for older people in England and Wales

Sector News and Publications

Understanding the impact of almshouse charities in the pandemic

Understanding the impact of almshouse charities in the pandemic cover

The Almshouse Association launch a new report based on an extensive series of interviews that seeks to understand the impact of the pandemic on almshouse charities and their residents and examine the impact almshouse charities made since the first lockdown.

The report was informed by desk research, including drawing on Housing LIN resources

Down Syndrome Act - Call for evidence

Down's Syndrome Act call for evidence image

Do you have Down's syndrome? Are you a parent or carer of someone with Down's syndrome? Or do you work with people with Down's syndrome as part of your role in the health, social care, education or housing sectors? 

The Department of Health and Social Care want to hear from you. 

They want to hear your views on the specific needs of people with Down's syndrome, to what extent those needs are understood, and examples of best practice within the health, social care, education and housing settings.  

Are you over the age of 55 living in the UK? The University of Stirling want to hear from you!

Logo - Stirling University

Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing (DesHCA) is a UKRI funded research project that explores the different ways that people's homes can be built or adapted support them as they age.

But what should living in a supportive home mean for people as they get older? 

They want to hear from as many people as possible so they can understand the priorities that matter to you. You can make your voice heard, and help shape the future of their research, by filling out their short survey found here.

The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England

The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England cover

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the adult social care workforce in England and the characteristics of the 1.50 million people working in it. Topics covered include: recent trends in workforce supply and demand, employment information, recruitment and retention, demographics, pay, qualification rates and future workforce forecasts.

The cost of caring: poverty and deprivation among residential care workers in the UK

The cost of caring poverty and deprivation among residential care workers in the UK cover

Published by The Health Foundation, this report shares the analysis of national survey data from 2017/18 to 2019/20 to better understand rates of poverty and deprivation among residential care workers in the UK and compare them to other sectors – including health, retail, hospitality, administration, and all workers.

£50 million to tackle health inequalities through research

Dep for health and social care

First ever investment for local authorities to turbo-charge research into health inequalities affecting their local area.

  • 50 million awarded to 13 local authorities across the UK - from Aberdeen to Plymouth – to tackle inequalities and improve the health of the public
  • Part of the government’s commitment to boost growth, level up the health of the nation and empower people to live healthier and longer lives, regardless of their background or where they live

Survey report 1000 UK households: Do the British want to live in IRCs?

Do the British Want to Live In Integrated Retirement Communities cover

This research, published by ProMatura Europe, looks at the general population not resident in an IRC and their likelihood of moving into one of them and provides a generalised view of the state of the UK market.

ProMatura has previously conducted research of people seriously considering a move into an IRC as well as current residents of IRC’s.

Housing LIN team member segment

Darius Ghadiali, Data Analyst & Knowledge Exchange Officer, shares...

Darius Ghadiali

This case study on Almshouse Flats for Homeless People highlights the design features and build quality for an award-winning almshouse site that houses people experiencing homelessness. The design features such as having high piled foundations which contain noise better (avoiding unnecessary disturbances) and modern fixtures and fittings to reflect a contemporary apartment rather than an institutional setting.

This page provided by Cymorth Cymru additionally provides an overview of how Housing First policy to tackle homelessness is being implemented in Wales. It provides an easy-to-understand and clear description of the policy, the principles and best practice guidance.


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Next week

Next week we look forward to the International Longevity Centre's 'Health of Older People in Places' report launch, which seeks to understand how the health of older people in the place where they live, is associated with people staying in work in later life.  

We're also delighted to host our next HAPPI Hour in partnership with Levitt Bernstein on A grey and green AGEnda: The foundations of good passivhaus and zero carbon design in housing for people in later life

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.