HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 21 October 2022

Welcome to #JeremyTalks and this week's HLINks.

This week we were pleased to host Design for Homes (the organiser of the National Housing Design Awards) and the 2022 HAPPI award winner, Levitt Bernstein architects, at our Tuesday's HAPPI Hour on 'A green and grey AGEnda'. This looked at key features of sustainable housing for older people and the planned development of a passivhaus extra care housing scheme for Westminster City Council and for Community Gateway Association in Preston. We had tremendous feedback and you can watch the session again here.

In other news, I spoke at Abbeyfield's regional event in Wigan and joined the Amar Bari, Amar Jibon research team with Bangla Housing Association and The Open University present at Dunhill Medical Trust's round-up of projects funded through their 'Suitable Living Environments' funding programme. I also attended a 'Digital and Technology-Enabled Care Services - where we are and where next?' hosted by the Centre for Care at the University of Sheffield and an Everon technology 'myth busting' webinar. There will be a follow White Paper coming out of Everon's meeting - watch this space! 

And lastly, the Housing LIN Future Leaders cohort are meeting in person for the first time this afternoon in Birmingham. I look forward to reporting back on this next week along with showcasing a new report by the University of Stirling's and Stonewater Housing Association on the INVITE project, the focus of a HAPPI Hour session earlier this month.

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

HAPPI Hour - A grey and green AGEnda: The foundations of good passivhaus and zero carbon design in housing for people in later life

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On Tuesday, we held a HAPPI Hour session with HAPPI award-winning architects, Levitt Bernstein.

Drawing on their guide, endorsed by The Passivhaus Trust, this webinar showcased good practice examples of HAPPI-inspired schemes, including this year’s Housing Design Awards winner, Carlton Dene in Westminster.

The Amar Bari, Amar Jibon research team present at Dunhill Medical Trust's virtual event

Amar Bari Dunhill meet up

The research team from Bangla Housing Association, The Open University and the Housing LIN were delighted to join other projects funded under the Dunhill Medical Trust’s Suitable Living Environment’s funding stream today 20th October 2022, and provide an update on the team's research into the housing and care needs of the Bangladeshi 'probin' community in East London.


Smoking and social housing: Supporting residents addressing inequalities

Smoking and social housing cover

This report, a collaboration between Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and the Housing LIN outlines the case for reducing rates of smoking in the social housing sector as part of social landlords’ health and wellbeing activity and the action needed to achieve this. 

It aims to equip the public health and social housing sectors with the information required to progress action on smoking and improve the support available to people who smoke and live in social housing.

Sector Publications & News

Health and place: How levelling up health can keep older workers working

Health and place How levelling up health can keep older workers working cover

This report seeks to understand how the health of older people in the place where they live, is associated with people staying in work in later life.  

With research led by University College London (UCL) and in collaboration with the University of Leeds, The Health of Older People in Places (HOPE) project has built on this research by showing the link between levels of employment and health in a place.

Research opportunity – can you help us find interview participants?

KCL logo NEW

Researchers at King’s College London are looking to speak to people over the age of 65 who have experience of loneliness. Their goal is to understand what loneliness means for older adults and learn how we might be better able to measure loneliness.

We need your help to identify people who may be interested in speaking to a researcher about their experiences of loneliness.

Housing LIN team member segment

Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer, shares...

Lois Beech

This week, I was interested to learn that Housing 21 have introduced a nine-day fortnight for salaried roles in an effort to help to improve work-life balance.

I am looking forward to learning about the impacts on productivity and also how this will be introduced to non-salaried roles.

You can find out more here


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week we look forward to the International Longevity Centre's new report on promoting inclusive living via technology enable support as part of the INVITE project. 

We are also delighted to host our next HAPPI Hour webinar with the University of Newcastle on the Campus for Ageing and Vitality (CAV) - A world leading place on the Spectrum of Independence!

And finally, we will be publishing a new blog by Nick Henley, co-founder of Cohabitas, on 'The need to accelerate co-housing development in the UK'.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.