HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 4 November 2022

Welcome to #JeremyTalks and this week's HLINks. I can't believe it is November already!

This week we were treated to two HAPPI Hour sessions. On Tuesday, over 180 people signed up to learn about the recent ADASS East Best Practice Guide on Coproducing the place we call home. And, on Thursday, we held our second session, this time featuring the new Local Government Association 'Housing our Ageing Population' report written by the Housing LIN. You can now watch both webinars here.

On the publication front, we published a new #Inspirational Achievement by Arcadis-IBI Group on innovation in out of hospital and long-term dementia care. We also featured two new reports, one by The Campaign to End Loneliness which sets out why the built environment matters for loneliness and a second report by ARCO on 'Future-proofing retirement living: easing the housing and care crises' by Professor Mayhew.

In other news this week, I was delighted to join the inaugural virtual meeting of the ESCR funded University of Stirling Inclusive Ageing Network and associated research projects and the Amar Bari, Amar Jibon (My home, my life) Steering Group meeting.

Lastly, I am looking forward to speaking at the Levelling Up conference in Birmingham next week!

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

New Inspirational Achievement: Innovation in Out of Hospital and Long-Term Dementia Care

We are delighted to share our newest Inspirational Achievement by Arcadis IBI Group showcasing The Heathlands Integrated Health and Care Home, their innovative solution to offering both long-term dementia care and an intermediate care unit designed to help reduce prolonged hospital stays.


Improving health and wellbeing through housing: A High Impact Change Model

A high impact change model cover

Developed by the Housing LIN, this high impact change model encourages local partners to integrate housing delivery with local health and care commissioning and service provision.

This document is for system leaders and staff from across local government, the NHS, the housing sector, and voluntary and community groups, and people receiving services all have a part to play in working together to improve the range of housing options, adaptations, and services available for people with health and care needs.

Sector Publications & News

Tackling loneliness through the built environment

Tackling loneliness through the built environment cover

Published by Campaign to End Loneliness to coincide with World Cities Day 2022, this report sets out why the built environment matters for loneliness, what features make a difference to our experience and how this can be achieved.

The report found that the way we plan and design our built environment needs to encourage different kinds of interaction.

Tunstall Healthcare launches tech hub in Manchester

Tunstall logo

Global pioneering health and care technology firm Tunstall Healthcare has officially opened its new hub in St Peter's Square, Manchester. Tunstall, which is celebrating its 65th year, is currently recruiting for a range of hybrid working positions that will be based from the new hub in Manchester.

Quality and testing, software development and business analysis roles are available to complement the existing tech teams based in Yorkshire, Sweden, Germany and Spain. 


The Mayhew Review: Future-proofing retirement living

The Mayhew Review Future-proofing retirement living cover

According to this new report, the Government must build 50,000 new homes for older people each year to tackle the UK’s housing and social care crisis – one in four of all new homes.

Professor Les Mayhew, whose commission this year drew on evidence and input from over forty experts, highlights the concrete steps the Government needs to take to reach the levels of older people’s housing required.

The 2021 Census reveal our society is ageing

office for national statistics ONS logo

Why does population ageing matter and what do the Census 2021 data tell us?

This article, compiled compiled in partnership with Age UK, the Centre for Ageing Better and the International Longevity Centre UK, goes beyond the numbers to provide expert views on issues related to ageing and explain why census data are particularly useful.


Housing LIN team member segment

Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, shares...

Jerome Billeter

"Over the last few months the Housing LIN has been regularly communicating on the ongoing second phase of 'TAPPI: from Principles to Implementation'. But you may ask: What is TAPPI? What are these principles they keep talking about? What happened during the first phase?

If you are interested in technology for housing and care and don't know about TAPPI yet, now is a great time to find out more about this exciting programme and read the report on the TAPPI microsite. You will find out how this 6 months panel inquiry helped shape the Panel's 'Big Insights' and the 10 foundational TAPPI principles - which are currently being tested in the second Phase to build technology into housing in a way that improves life for our ageing population."


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week, we host a HAPPI Hour session in association with Arcadis IBI Group to explores neuro-diversity, design and silver surfers. Register your free place here.

We also look forward to publishing a blog by Open Age on their work into technology and reducing isolation in Westminster.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.