HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 11 November

Welcome to #JeremyTalks, week-ending Friday, 11 November 2022.

This week our HAPPI Hour put the spotlight on the work of Arcardis-IBI Group to create inclusive, neuro-diverse environments. You can now watch the recording of the webinar and access the PowerPoint presentation here.

On the publication front, we published a guest blog by OpenAGE's Alex Evans on using technology to connect older residents and reduce social isolation. We also drew attention to a collection of case studies by the Queen's Nursing Institute on specialist homelessness services and health inclusion.

In other news, I was delighted to speak at the Levelling Up Summit in Birmingham on Tuesday along with Housing 21's Bruce Moore and Abbeyfield's Abdul Ravat.

And on Thursday, members of the HoME Coalition renewed their campaign to promote accessible housing with the release of a new video and vox pops of people explaining what accessible homes mean to them. The Housing LIN is proud to be a member of this important group. 

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

New Housing LIN guest blog by Open Age on the benefits of online group social activities

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As housing and social care looks for ways to reduce social isolation, and make better use of technology, Alex Evans, Independent Consultant, shares how research conducted by Open Age offers a glimpse into the difference that Zoom and similar technologies can make.

Titled 'Online group social activities: connecting older people during lockdown and beyond', this Housing LIN guest blog explores what changed in the COVID-19 lockdown in association with community activities going online, sharing what older people and representative organisations thought. 


HAPPI Hour - Neurodiversity, Design and Silver Surfers

Neurodiversity, Design and Silver Surfers slide

Tuesday's HAPPI Hour put the spotlight on the work of Arcardis-IBI Group to create inclusive, neuro-diverse environments. We were delighted to be joined by Lynn Lindley, Interior Design lead, and Richard Mazuch, Director of Design Research who revealed the neuro challenges & experiences of users and how spaces can be designed to be more inclusive. 

Sector Publications & News

Myth Busting the Digital Landscape

Everon logo

Myth busting the digital landscape' webinar is aimed at providing support to local authorities, housing associations, charities, care providers and any organisation that provides technology enabled care today.

The webinar is produced in partnership with TSA and Housing LIN and supported by Openreach, Talk Talk and Eseye. It will support housing and care providers to navigate the digital landscape, getting into the detail of how the digital switchover will affect grouped living, individual homes, and the impact it will have on vulnerable residents.

Occupational Therapy awareness week #OTWeek2022

Occupational Therapists webpage screenshot

This week was Occupational Therapy (OT) week. Created by The Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT), OT Week aims to bring awareness to Occupational Therapists and all of the fantastic work they do. We drew attention to our OT related resources including guides on how to prioritise and incorporate the best aspects of accessible design guidelines into new build and refurbishments.

The DACHA-DOM survey of UK homecare providers

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We would like to invite you to take part in a study investigating whether it would be possible to set up a ‘national dataset’ on people using homecare services.  This study is looking at whether it would be supported by the sector, and what sort of information a national homecare user dataset should contain. It is being funded by the National Institute for Health Research.

The survey closes on Wednesday, 16 November.

If you have any questions, please contact the DACHA-DOM research team: janice.healey@york.ac.uk.

The people stuck renting who can't afford to retire

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The BBC recently covered a story about Trudy Coles and her husband Ron who are both 71 and still working, but it's not out of choice. They are among a growing number of older renters who are struggling as the cost of living - and rent - rises. Housing charity Shelter told the BBC it had surveyed 2,000 renters and found more than a quarter of over-55s are behind on rent or struggling to pay

Thanks to Places for People Living Plus, the Housing LIN host a dedicated webpage of resources for practitioners on private renting in relation to PRS and housing for older people.

Homeless and Inclusion Health Nursing Case Studies

Queen’s Nursing Institute logo

This collection of case studies from the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) demonstrates the role that specialist homeless and inclusion health nurses play in protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of the most disadvantaged members of society.

Staff team member segment

Darius Ghadiali, Data Analyst & Knowledge Exchange Officer, shares...

Darius Ghadiali

"The Diversity in Care Environments research microsite shows the details and findings of research conducted by the University of Bristol, which the Housing LIN contributed to. The microsite features bitesized recordings where people with socially diverse backgrounds share their experiences of living in housing with care and support. Alongside the recordings, vignettes and videos are featured.

I personally enjoyed listening to episode 5, where Ward shares his experiences of discrimination and diversity, and listening to these podcasts helped me to engage with the research purpose and findings. Would recommend a visit to the microsite!"


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

Events supported by the Housing LIN


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week is Longevity Week and our HAPPI Hour puts the spotlight on the recent report, Older People Care in Social Housing: A manifesto for change with Altair LtdHousing 21, members of the CHIC research project and OpenAGE. 

And finally, we look forward to presenting the recent housing preferences and needs report for Kirklees Council at the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People, speaking at a NHF older person's housing working group meeting and contributing at the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge annual conference.

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The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.