HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 18 November 2022

It's #LongevityWeek and welcome to #JeremyTalks. It's certainly been a long one! 

This week's news was dominated by the government's delayed autumn statement. It set out the government's plans to address the cost of living crisis and financial markets' turmoil, significantly impacted by its September mini-budget. Find out more here

In other news, we saw the publication of Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill making provision about the regulation of supported exempt accommodation and local authority oversight. There was also a new planning practice guide on housing for older people published by the RTPI followed by the launch of the TEC Alliance's new website.

I was also delighted to present at a selection of key events including:

  • APPG on Housing and Care for Older People in the House of Lords about Housing LIN Consultancy work in Kirklees on the housing needs of the South Asian community;
  • NHF older person's housing group (at C&C's impressive new vertical retirement housing scheme opposite Lords in St John's Wood, Grace House - a future Housing LIN Inspirational Achievement) about the TAPPI project;
  • UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge annual conference session as Chair of the homes and communities session at The Oval. 
  • The Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group also met this week - a big thanks to Melin Homes for hosting. 

And this week's HAPPI Hour focused on Older People's Care in Housing, A Manifesto for Change. We were joined by speakers from Altair LtdHousing 21 and Open Age

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

HAPPI Hour - Older People’s Care in Social Housing: A Manifesto for Change

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This week was Longevity Week, looking at everything across the lifespan – from finances to health and wellbeing. And, with the government’s announcing last year initial plans for a long-awaited Housing for Older People’s Task Force and the Adult Social Care White Paper setting out a 10-year vision for social care, this HAPPI Hour webinar drew on a recently published Altair report calling for a manifesto for change behind which the sector can collectively unite.

The TEC Action Alliance website is live!

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The TEC Action Alliance is a group of industry partners and leading organisations, including the Housing LIN, working together to maximise opportunities for technologies and TEC services to support personalised, quality care through cross-sector collaboration and co-production.

Find out more on the Alliance's website.


The Housing LIN presents its' Kirklees report to the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People

Older People from Ethnic Minorities in Kirklees Housing Needs and Preferences Study Cover

Commissioned by Kirklees Council, research conducted by the Housing LIN reveals the housing (and housing related support) needs and preferences of older people from ethnic minorities living in Kirklees.

We were delighted to present the report at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People co-chaired by Peter Aldous MP and Lord Best.

Sector Publications & News

Planners integral to meeting the needs of England’s ageing population

Cover: Housing for Older People: Planning for the Future

In a new practice guide published this week, the RTPI highlight the important role planners are playing in meeting the needs of England’s ageing population.

It demonstrates how the planning system can enable the development of accessible, well-maintained, and affordable homes in locations that provide access to essential local services and opportunities for social connections.

Proposals to provide greater regulatory oversight of supported exempt accommodation

A new Private Members’ Bill, tabled by Bob Blackman MP was published on Monday this week, proposing to give local authorities new powers to drive out poor practice in supported exempt housing. The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill also creates new strategic duties for national and local government to improve wider oversight of supported housing provision.

Myth Busting the Digital Landscape

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Myth busting the digital landscape' webinar is aimed at providing support to local authorities, housing associations, charities, care providers and any organisation that provides technology enabled care today.

The webinar is produced in partnership with TSA and Housing LIN and supported by OpenreachTalk Talk and Eseye. It will support housing and care providers to navigate the digital landscape, getting into the detail of how the digital switchover will affect grouped living, individual homes, and the impact it will have on vulnerable residents.

Staff team member segment

Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer, shares...

Kirklees Council APPG presentation

"This week I had the privilege of sharing the findings from the Older Persons from Ethnic Minorities study at the APPG on Housing and Care. Our research for Kirklees Council highlighted the cultural shift in family structures being experienced in South Asian and African Caribbean communities and the resultant need for older persons housing that is 'culturally competent'.

The research was strengthened by our partnership with local community members and researchers to whom I am truly grateful for helping us strengthen the evidence from the often seldom heard!"

Find out more here


Watch, Listen & Learn

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In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week, following a series of joint workshops with NASP, HACT and the Housing LIN, we look forward to the publication of a new report on housing and social prescribing. 

And, if you are at the Homes UK event in London on Thursday, Jeremy Porteus, CEO at Housing LIN, will be chairing an afternoon session on housing our ageing population. Come and say hello!

With the public finances under the spotlight, next week's HAPPI Hour tackles the cost of living crisis and implications for the specialist housing sector. We will be joined by The Charity Bank, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, CHCymru and WWA architects.

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The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.