HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 9 December 2022

Welcome to #JeremyTalks and this week's HLINks!

International Day for Persons with Disabilities took place on Saturday and, to coincide, the Housing LIN took the opportunity to address inequalities in the built environment

BBC investigation found that major cities in England are failing to plan for wheelchair accessible homes. The Welsh Government reaffirmed its commitment to the social model of disability and set up a Disability Rights Taskforce. And in England, the Minister confirmed a new Disability Action Plan will be consulted upon and published in 2023.

This week we published two guest blogs. The first is by Professor Roy Sandbach, TAPPI Chair, in which he reflects on the need for practical testing of innovation in housing and care, and the other by the Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group about championing the best of Welsh housing with care and support and the role of our network in achieving this.

Last year we joined forces with ARCO and other sector leaders to call upon government to formally announce and appoint the Task Force that will focus on housing for older people. Follow our twitter campaign this month as we lend support for a Task Force that can provide sector leadership and make bold recommendations to improve the housing choices of people in later life. 

And here are several other items I want to draw your attention to:

  • A series of housing-related podcasts by the Later Life Audio and Radio Cooperative
  • The recent parliamentary debates/Select Committee covering the latest stage of Lord Crisp's Healthy Homes Bill and the Select Committee's report on adult social care
  • A new Centre for Ageing Better YouTube video on age-friendly communications and tackling ageism in our media portrayals
  • and our consultancy team was delighted to be called to present research with Learning Disability England at the NHF's webinar on the importance of supported housing.

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

New blog by Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group captures their thoughts on the network

In this new Housing LIN blog, we catch up with our Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group, chaired by Joanne Kirrane at Melin Homes, to capture their thoughts on the Housing LIN’s presence in Wales and the benefits associated with being a part of the network. 


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On Tuesday, following last week's inaugural TAPPI Steering Board meeting, we published a new blog by TAPPI Chair, Professor Roy Sandbach OBE, in which he explains what has been achieved with TAPPI up to now, shares what more needs to be done to address the challenges of 'living better, for longer' and reflects on the need for practical testing of innovation in housing and care.

And following the publication of the House of Lords Select Committee on Adult Social Care report published on Thursday, there is a renewed call to support to scale up the 'unlocked' potential' of digital technologies.

Next week we look forward to publishing a new TAPPI blog by our Evaluation and Shared Learning Partner, the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) at University of Cambridge, and a list of useful guides on how to successfully evaluate technology enabled care services.

HAPPI Hour - My home matters: living with dementia, are we ready?

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Following last year's APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry and the resultant report on housing for people with dementia, we were delighted to be joined by one of the organisations that gave evidence to the Inquiry, tide.

They presented on their new housing and dementia booklet designed to help older people think about what matters to them in relation to home and plan ahead for a potential move.

Celebrating the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities


Last Saturday was International Day of Persons with Disabilities which this year put the spotlight on 3 themes: employment, sports and reducing inequality.

On reducing inequalities in the built environment, the Housing LIN is proud to be a member of the HoME Coalition which champions inclusive and accessible housing for people with a disability.

Sector Publications & News

Telecare Stakeholder Action Plan

Dep for health and social care

The Department of Health and Social Care has published a Telecare Stakeholder Action Plan that aims to improve communications and co-ordination between telecare services, the telecommunications sector and people who use telecare services. 

Healthy Homes Bill update


Lord Crisp's Healthy Homes Bill completed the Committee Stage in the House of Lords on Monday, getting closer to becoming law. The Housing LIN is proud to support the TCPA's campaign. 

Click here for a copy of the background parliamentary briefing, You can also find Lord Crisp talk about the Healthy Homes Bill at our Summit last year here

New report reveals the design priorities of LGBTQ+ people in Leeds

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A new report published by Pride of Place Living reveals the design priorities of LGBTQ+ people in Leeds who are interested in living in a multi-generational life-long and inclusive LGBTQ+ affirmative housing community. 

The report includes examples of established housing schemes and innovative architectural ideas that are relevant to the priorities identified by people in the Leeds LGBTQ+ community.

Developing a minimum dataset for homecare: the DACHA-DOM study

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We would like to invite you to take part in a study investigating whether it would be possible to set up a 'national dataset' on people using homecare services. This study is looking at whether it would be supported by the sector, and what sort of information a national homecare user dataset should contain. It is being funded by the National Institute for Health Research.

You can find out more and access the survey here. The closing date for the survey is Friday 9th December.

Conversations we need to have: Our later lives and housing options

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Four new audio podcasts from the award-winning, Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative (LLARC) run by older people feature conversations we all need to have about housing as we get older. Hosted by housing consultant and LLARC member Moyra Riseborough, the conversations focus on issues that older people and their families sought help with from The Elderly Accommodation Counsel.

Team member segment

Darius Ghadiali, data analyst & knowledge exchange officer, shares...

Darius Ghadiali

"To make it better to live, you know? report showcases the impact of hoarding behaviours and social networks on supported housing carried out by Gateshead Council in collaboration with Sir Halley Stewart Trust and Northumbria University. The study highlights the effect that hoarding has on themes such as personal needs as people age, the importance of receiving professional support during a move and the impact of Covid after the move."


Watch, Listen & Learn

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week is HAPPI Awareness Week or #HAPPIweek. Look out for a selection of daily news items, guest blogs and announcements celebrating different aspects of the 'care ready' HAPPI design principles.


Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.