HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 16th December 2022

Welcome to this week's #JeremyTalks.

This week we celebrated HAPPI Awareness Week and put the spotlight on a number of HAPPI-inspired items:

The first is a blog by Cate Premble from the University of Stirling DesHCA project on how our homes can better support us as we age, with a particular focus on visual reality technology and how its application can enable older people to make more meaningful housing choices.

A second blog by Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer at Housing LIN shares her experience visiting sheltered housing, featuring Anchor, WDH and Rooftop Housing Group as best practice examples. 

And a final blog by Robin Beattie and David Dent on the Campus for Ageing & Vitality – A World leading place on the Spectrum of Independence in Newcastle with reference to the HAPPI design principles. 

On Wednesday, we announced that submissions are invited for the HAPPI category of the Housing Design Awards, won last year by Levitt Bernstein architects for their award-winning, passivhaus extra care housing scheme for Westminster City Council, Carlton Dene – recently featured on one of our HAPPI Hour webinar

A few other items that took my interest, include:

  • I was proud to be invited to be a member of a new NHS England Sounding Board on Reablement.
  • The Nationwide Foundation and Joseph Rowntree Foundation have published a report, Talking about homes: The foundations for a decent life
  • Last week, Foundations held their National Healthy Housing Awards. Information about the winners can be found here.
  • Public Health Wales published a literature review on cold homes and their association with health and wellbeing.

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

HAPPI Awareness Week 2022

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This year, HAPPI Awareness Week took place from Monday,12 December to Friday, 16th December 2022. Throughout the week we shared a selection of daily news items, guest blogs and announcements celebrating different aspects of the 'care ready' HAPPI design principles.

Making it a reality: Designing and adapting for older age


To coincide with HAPPI Awareness week, we shared a new Housing LIN guest blog by Dr Cate Pemble, Impact Research Fellow on the Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing project at the University of Stirling, on who should be thinking about designing and adapting for older age. Join Cate in next week's HAPPI Hour webinar on Pioneering Urban Design for Later Living.

Sheltered housing for the 21st Century

Lois Beech

Continuing HAPPI Awareness week, this new guest blog by Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer at the Housing LIN, reveals what a ‘contemporary’ sheltered housing offer should look like.

Lois shares how housing providers need to start bringing their stock up to 21st Century standards if we want to attract more people to consider moving to ‘care-ready’ accommodation before they need it.

New Housing LIN guest blog shares an update on the Campus for Ageing & Vitality (CAV)

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Our final blog of HAPPI Awareness week is by Robin Beattie, Senior Project Manager and David Dent, Development Consultant on the Campus for Ageing & Vitality (CAV) project. With reference to the HAPPI design principles, they have undertaken significant market research into what is best of class in terms of a Later Living offer. They have visited places both in Europe and the UK with their findings shared in this blog.

TAPPI cast

TAPPI logo

Earlier this month, The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) led an evaluation workshop to provide the TAPPI testbeds' staff with guidance on how to successfully evaluate their projects.

In this new TAPPI blog, Dr Hannah Holmes, Research Associate, Dr Reyhaneh Shojaei, Research Associate and Dr Gemma Burgess, Director at CCHPR reveal several key considerations which organisations planning to evaluate a technology service should take into account, which the workshop highlighted:

  • How to plan an Evaluation
  • What to measure
  • What data to collect
  • Adapting to TAPPI challenges

In addition, we published a list of useful guides on how to successfully evaluate technology enabled care services. 

Sector News and Publications

Entry to the 2023 Housing Design Awards now open!

Housing Design Awards logo

We are delighted to support the Housing Design Awards, which opened for entries this month. Winning schemes are measured against the HAPPI principles, as showcased in this week’s HAPPI Awareness Week, with Housing LIN’s Jeremy Porteus guiding the process, supported by 2 judges who worked with him on the original HAPPI report, Kevin McGeough and David Birkbeck.

Housing 21 scoops Best Older People's Landlord of the Year


Housing 21 has “raised the benchmark for older people’s housing” according to this year’s judging panel for the UK Housing Awards, which named the organisation Older People’s Landlord of the Year. The leading national provider of Extra Care and Retirement Living scooped the award for a second time, having previously won the accolade in 2020.

The awards, hosted by Inside Housing, remain focused on celebrating the achievements from across the UK housing sector.

Join an ESRC-funded project looking at Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing (ISPA)

The University of Stirling are looking for a skilled and enthusiastic quantitative social scientist to join an ESRC-funded project looking at Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing (ISPA).  

They're looking for a full time Research Fellow (100% FTE 32M/G7) who will support Dr Vikki McCall (PI), and Co-I’s Professor Alasdair Rutherford (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling) and Dr David Manley (University of Bristol) on advanced quantitative data analysis.

Cold homes and their association with health and well-being: a systematic literature review

Cold homes and their association with health and well-being cover

As part of a wider project by Public Health Wales to determine whether current indoor temperature standards for households in Wales are optimal for people’s comfort, health, and well-being, this review aims to identify and appraise the current evidence on the association between cold homes and health and well-being.

Talking about homes: the foundation for a decent life

Talking about homes the foundation for a decent life cover

This report, supported by the Nationwide Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, explores how people think about homes, and how we can shape a new story – building public understanding and support for solutions which will make our housing system better.

Housing LIN Team Member Segment

Lois Beech, senior research officer, shares...


"This week I finished reading 'An Olive Grove in Ends' by author Moses Mckenzie. An insightful and gripping story of a young black man growing up in the Bristolian neighbourhood of Easton. It's powerful narrative graples with morality, love and loyalty and the impact of gentrification on the local neighbourhood. I highly recommend if anyone is still looking for Christmas presents!"

Read An Olive Grove in Ends here


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.


Website feedback

Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housingiln.org.uk

Next week

Next week we look forward to our final HAPPI Hour webinar of the series, Pioneering Urban Design for Later Living in association with Cartwright Pickard architects.

Ahead of the webinar, look out for a new guest blog by speaker, Julia Ashley, Business Development Director, C&C/Aster Group on 'Inspiring a new generation: Grace House'.

We also look forward to publishing a second blog by Helen Bailey at aviatrix on 'Our Five top tips on how to ensure catering remains the heart and soul of your care'. 

And finally, we'll be looking back at Housing LIN's 2022 'Top of the Pops'!

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.