Housing LIN Top of the Pops!

HLIN Top of the Pops cover

Housing LIN Top of the Pops!

As we approach Christmas and the New Year, we look back at our top 10 most popular resources in 2022. These included a selection of publications published by the Housing LIN, others produced by our consultancy team and those we were pleased to release in association with partner organisations.

Resource one

Improving health and wellbeing through housing: A High Impact Change Model

high impact change cover update

Published by LGA, this High Impact Change Model, developed by Housing LIN Consult, encourages local partners to integrate housing delivery with local health and care commissioning and service provision. This document is for system leaders and staff from across local government, the NHS, the housing sector, and voluntary and community groups.

Resource two

Housing our Ageing Population

Housing our ageing population cover

Written by Ian Copeman, Business Director and Lois Beech, Senior Research Officer at the Housing LIN, this LGA report captures the learning from a selection of exemplar councils which demonstrate how they are playing a significant place-making role in shaping the current and future supply of housing for an ageing population in their areas. 

Resource three

Older People from Ethnic Minorities in Kirklees: Housing Needs and Preferences Study

Older People from Ethnic Minorities in Kirklees Housing Needs and Preferences Study Cover

Commissioned by Kirklees Council, research conducted by Housing LIN Consult reveals the housing needs and preferences of older people from ethnic minorities living in Kirklees. We were also pleased to present the findings and recommendations of the report at the recent APPG on Housing and Care for Older People in the Houses of Parliament.

Resource four

Innovations In Social Prescribing: the role of housing

Innovations In Social Prescribing the role of housing cover

Developed in partnership with the National Academy of Social Prescribing (NASP), HACT, Royal Voluntary Service and the Housing LIN, this report outlines our first steps in building awareness and connection between social housing and the social prescribing community. Further to February's HAPPI Hour webinar with the NASP, this report demonstrates what can be done and what more is needed to connect and support local partnerships between housing and social prescribing services.

Resource five

Housing LIN Factsheet 34 (2nd ed): Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life?

Interior Considerations Factsheet cover

A collaboration between Park Grove Design Ltd and the Housing LIN, this factsheet shares the latest key interior design considerations when developing environments for later living which are both inviting and in-line with current design research and practice. This factsheet provides inspiration for making housing which meets many of the needs of older people while creating a desirable place in which to live.

Resource six

Housing LIN Case Study 164: A mixed age, intergenerational living model of extra care housing in Leicester

Housing LIN Case Study No164 Cover

Written by Natasha Bednall, Business Change Commissioning Manager at Leicester City Council, this Housing LIN Case Study provides the local context for the development of Abbey Mill and the Wolsey Building; two extra care schemes comprising of one- and two-bedroom self-contained apartments for rent. This case study shares how this mixed-age community approach promotes independence and prevents social isolation by empowering people to engage with their community.

Resource seven

Digital Telecare: How ready are we for the digital switch?


This briefing paper by Appello paints an alarming picture of how the sector is reacting to the requirement to upgrade services, with only an estimated 25% (6,250) of housing developments adopting digital services by 2025. As a wakeup call for the sector, this paper considers what progress has been made so far and the challenges still faced to ensure essential telecare services are safe now and in the future. 

Resource eight

Top blog: Supporting people with learning disabilities to rent their own home: initial findings from research

Doodle_renting your own place research

Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, School for Social Care Research, this project is a collaboration between researchers at the universities of York & Bristol; housing provider Riverside; Learning Disability England; doodler and community printmaker, Stephen Lee Hodgkins; and the Housing LIN. This blog post reveals some of the key messages from the early project findings and explains what the next stage of research involves.

Resource nine

Smoking and social housing: Supporting residents addressing inequalities

Smoking and social housing cover

This report, a collaboration between Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Housing LIN Consult outlines the case for reducing rates of smoking in the social housing sector as part of social landlords’ health and wellbeing activity and the action needed to achieve this. This report is timely following the COVID-19 pandemic and the stark health inequalities present in our society coming to the surface.

Resource ten

HAPPI Hour: Fire safety in specialist housing

HAPPI Hour logo

Our most popular HAPPI Hour webinar in 2022, with 322 registrations, was Fire safety in specialist housing in partnership with PRP.

With building safety in the spotlight post the Grenfell Tower tragedy, this HAPPI Hour session:

  • Explored work underway to update fire safety guidance in relation to specialised housing;
  • Shared the learning from a selection of national, regional and local housing associations about their approach to fire safety and protection to minimise risk in new build and existing specialist housing and supported living.

Season's Greetings

We look forward to bringing you a further selection of essential news, views, resources and events in the year ahead.

With thanks to all our sponsors and supporters, stay connected for the latest in housing and care matters.

Season's Greetings from all of us at the Housing LIN