HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Friday, 13 January 2023

A very Happy New Year from all of us at the Housing LIN and welcome to the first issue of HLINks this year!

If you are a new subscriber to our weekly e-news, we publish this bulletin every Friday and provide a round-up of the latest news, views, resources and events on housing with care matters, as well as #JeremyTalks - an overview of what caught my interest, each week. Happy reading!

In this week's #JeremyTalks, I set out my top 5 wishes for 2023 for the specialist and supported housing sectors. 

We published two new guest blogs: the first, by Anna Cameron, Head of Growth and Service Development for Learning Disabilities at Look Ahead on how to be optimistic about social care; and the second by Dr Niamh Murtagh, Principal Investigator for ARC for the Future at the University College London (UCL), on Building an arch of resilience - ARC for the Future.

Other items that caught my interest include:

Lastly, I was also pleased to present at the inaugural meeting of the National Housing Community of Practice on Housing for Autistic People and People with a Learning Disability, hosted by NHS England

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN News & Announcements

Future Leaders Programme

Final Future Leaders Network Session

Earlier today we were delighted to hold the final Future Leaders Programme session with our 2 nd cohort of young professionals. We very much look forward to sharing their experiences at our upcoming #HLINSummit23 next month - details to follow!

How to be optimistic about social care

Anna Cameron 112 x 112

In this new Housing LIN guest blog, Anna Cameron, Head of Growth and Service Development for Learning Disabilities at Look Ahead, reflects on the challenges we face in social care and shares three key guiding principles for commissioners and the government moving forward.

Building an arch of resilience - ARC for the Future

Dr Niamh Murtagh headshot

In this short blog for the Housing LIN, Principal Investigator for ARC for the Future, Dr Niamh Murtagh from University College London (UCL), explains what is meant by ‘resilience’ and why almshouse communities are excellent sites for research. She concludes by emphasising the central role of residents’ voices to the project.

TAPPI Cast - Welcome to 2023!

TAPPI logo

Happy New Year from all TAPPI partners! One of our wishes for 2023 is to see the TAPPI principles co-designed in housing, health and social care policy. Co-production is central to the TAPPI project, and our partner Co-Production Works have been busy helping put together co-production Champions groups made of one tenant and member of staff from each of the TAPPI testbeds. Read a full update here.

Sector News and Announcements

Supporting people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping: Emergency Department pathway, checklist and toolkit

Supporting people experiencing homelessness toolkit

NHS England has published a new guide to support people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping. A Pathway, checklist and toolkit have been co-developed to help emergency departments to support patients and make service improvements.

Every decision about care should be a decision about housing

Every decision about care should be a decision about housing cover

With the introduction of Integrated Care Systems earlier this year, it has never been more important that housing associations are involved in local health and care plans to guarantee a joined-up, robust and effective health service.

Over the past few months, the National Housing Federation has worked with its members to draw together case studies of this work in practice. They outline the breadth, social value and economic benefit of housing associations positive effect on health outcomes.

Rethink attitudes to care and support

Reimagining Care Commission Logo

In the Reimagining Care Commission's report, coming out on 24 th January, they will be proposing actions to achieve a positive vision of care and support and the values which underpin it. Watch Anna Severwright, Reimagining Care Commissioner and Co-Convener of Social Care Future, talk about why we need to change attitudes towards age and disability. 

Archbishops' New Year message on social care

The Archbishop of Canterbury logo 180

In his New Year message, and as reported on the BBC, the Archbishop of Canterbury called for "leaders to fix broken social care". We look forward to the launch of his and the Archbishop of York's report by the Commission of Reimagining Care later this month in which he and the Archbishop of York make a number of recommendations. 


HAPPI Hour logo

As we look forward to the return of our HAPPI Hour webinars in April, we are busy finalising plans for our upcoming virtual Housing LIN Summit 2023 – A Festival of Ideas. Taking place from Monday, 27 February to Friday, 3 March 2023, this week-long event comprises two 1.5-hour webinars a day and brings together leading figures from across the housing, health, social care and technology industries. Registrations open next week.

Events supported by the Housing LIN


Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housinglin.org.uk

Team member segment

Jerome Billeter, Corporate Business Manager, shares...

Jerome Billeter

"In this 'ABCD With Cormac Russell How To Build Community' podcast, Cormac Russell, a leading figure in the field of 'Asset-Based Community Development' (or ABCD) Cormac shares some of his stories and experiences. He explains what ABCD is, why it is important and what can we learn from it. We are pleased to share that Cormac will be joining us at next month's Housing LIN Summit 2023 - A Festival of Ideas as a speaker. details to follow."

Listen to the podcast here.

Next week

Next week, we see the launch of the SO-HAPPI Inquiry report into Shared Ownership and Housing for an Ageing Population by the Smith Institute for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People. 

We're also looking forward to publishing a new Housing LIN guest blog by Louise Drew, Head of building communities at Shakespeare Martineau, before making an important announcement regarding the Housing LIN's virtual Summit 2023 - A Festival of Ideas... stay tuned! 


Willmott Dixon

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.