HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Your round-up of the latest news, views, resources and events on housing with care matters | Friday, 27 January 2023

Welcome to #JeremyTalks, my overview of what caught my interest this week.

This week saw the publication of the Archbishops' Commission on Reimagining Care report calling for a National Care Covenant. I was pleased to attend the launch in London and to hear the theological, moral, personal and social values for compassionate care as well as the lived experiences of people receiving formal and informal care and support.

Debbie Ounsted CBE, a Commissioner on the Archbishops’ Commission report, joins us at Housing LIN Summit 2023 - A Festival of Ideas for a session on New models of care and support – reimagining our housing offer.

We also released a new guest blog by Mark Slater, Design Director at West Waddy Archadia architects on the NPPF Consultation. This consultation closes on Thursday, 2 March. Have your say!

And, just in case you missed it, last Friday saw the launch of the Housing and Care: good practice guide at Taunton Racecourse by Housing LIN Consultancy for SW Councils and SW ADASS. The publication supports councils in the region, with their local partners, to plan for and deliver the range of housing and care options needed by older people and working age adults with care/support needs.

A couple of other things that caught my interest included:

  • BBC Scotland: Paramedics say people are getting ill because their homes are so cold
  • DHSC: DHSC's areas of research interest

This week was also busy with attendance at a range of events and meetings, including:

  • An in-person TAPPI event with Bield Housing Association in Scotland
  • The 2nd virtual meeting of the TAPPI Phase Two Steering Board
  • The Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group hybrid meeting at Melin Homes
  • A virtual meeting of the Intergenerational Housing Network
  • The online DHSC's Digital Social Care Advisory Board, and
  • The CHIC Advisory Board meeting.

Next week, I look forward to attending the new Health and Housing Impact Network Steering Group meeting, hosted by The Future of London.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

New Housing and Care: Good Practice guide published

Housing & care guide SW ADASS

The SW ADASS and Housing LIN Consultancy guide supports councils, with their local partners, to plan for and deliver the range of housing and care options needed by older people and working age adults with care/support needs.

The 9 actions set out in this ‘Housing and Care: Good Practice guide” are drawn from engagement and discussion with all councils in the south west of England, local and national good practice examples and a range of relevant resources and tools

NPPF Consultation: Increase Supply of Older Persons Housing

Mark Slater

In this new Housing LIN guest blog, Mark Slater, Design Director at West Waddy Archadia, draws attention to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities' consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The DLUHC is seeking views on how they might develop new and revise current national planning policies to support their wider objectives. There is a particular question posed to the reader regarding supporting the supply of specialist housing.

TAPPI Cast - Full Update

TAPPI logo

Welcome to TAPPI Cast, our weekly update on the ‘Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation’ (TAPPI) project which aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people. This week the TAPPI comms team joined our Co-production and Engagement partners at their second Co-production Champions Group meeting before hosting the second TAPPI Steering Board meeting. 

Doing Nothing is Not An Option

The digital reality cover

Following the launch of the Digital Switchover White Paper “The Digital Reality” produced by Everon and partners, Jeremy Porteus, CEO, Housing LIN tells Everon why some providers have been slow to embrace the role of digital, how the cost of living crisis is impacting and why doing nothing is not an option.

Sector News and Announcements

Transform care and support through a National Care Covenant, says Archbishops’ Commission

Care and Support Reimagined Cover

In this report (‘Care and Support Reimagined: a National Care Covenant for England’), the Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care sets out three actions to realise a new vision for care and support: rethinking attitudes to care and support; rebalancing roles and responsibilities; and redesigning the social care system.

Technology Enabling Care – Understanding Attitudes to Technology

TEC Action Alliance 160pxs

The TEC Action Alliance wants to understand how you use technology in your everyday life. This in turn will help the group understand how technology can best support people in the social care sector. This survey is for you if you are a person who draws on care services or a family caregiver or frontline staff member.

Housing LIN Team Member Segment

Lois Beech, senior research officer, shares...

Lois Beech

"Having worked with Incommunities to review their sheltered and supported housing offer I am really pleased to share their commitment to deliver investment works."

Find out more here.



As we look forward to the return of our HAPPI Hour webinars in April, we are busy finalising plans for our upcoming virtual Housing LIN Summit 2023 – A Festival of Ideas. Taking place from Monday, 27 February to Friday, 3 March 2023, this week-long event comprises two 1.5-hour webinars a day and brings together leading figures from across the housing, health, social care and technology industries. Register your place now!

Events supported by the Housing LIN


Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housinglin.org.uk

Next week

Lastly, next week sees the publication of a new County Council Network/Tunstall Healthcare report on technology in social care.

We also look forward to publishing a new guest blog by Tony Watts OBE, from the Age Action Alliance and a speaker on Day One of our forthcoming virtual Summit - A Festival of Ideas, titled 'Downsizing… rightsizing: great theory, but where’s the product?'