HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Your round-up of the latest news, views, resources and events on housing with care matters | Friday, 17 February 2023

Welcome to #JeremyTalks, my overview of what caught my interest this week.

I am delighted to report that with just over a week to go before the start of our virtual Summit - A Festival of Ideas we have already attracted more than 2,250 registrations across the 10 sessions (27 Feb-3 March). If you have not already done so, browse the week-long programme and book you place(s). It's not too late as registrations will remain open until 24hrs before each session.

And ahead of our Futures Leaders' session on 28 February, we published two more blogs from the 2nd cohort of the programme. Read the Housing LIN's Darius Ghadiali's blog and Waltham Forest Council's Jack Baldan's blog and find out what they took away from our programme. And if you'd like to hear more from them and other members of the programme, sign up to their session - Inspiring young talent: investing in our future housing and care leaders .

This week, we also released a new Housing LIN Viewpoint by Tony Watts OBE, co-founder of Age Action Alliance, in which he interviews Bob Durie OBE in Housing to span the generations: A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol. Tony will also be speaking at our Summit in the opening session

Some other items that caught my interest included:

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

New Housing LIN Future Leaders' Programme blog on healthy leadership

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In this new Housing LIN guest blog, Darius Ghadiali, Data Analyst & Knowledge Exchange Officer at Housing LIN, reflects on his experience with the Future Leaders Programme and explores what healthy leadership looks like in the housing, health and social care sector. 

New Housing LIN Future Leaders' Programme blog on how to create effective leaders

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In this new Housing LIN guest blog, Jack Baldan, Housing Investment Officer at Waltham Forest Council, reflects on his experience on the Future Leaders Programme and explores how to create effective leaders in the housing, health and social care sector.

New Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105) - Housing to span the generations: A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol

Housing to span the generations A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol cover

This Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105), written by Tony Watts, writer and co-founder of Age Action Alliance, describes a “21st Century Almshouse for Bristol” that may offer a way forward for intergenerational housing.

To coincide with Generations Working Together's campaign to raise awareness for April's Global Intergenerational Week, Tony speaks with Bob Durie OBE who - having spent a lifetime in property - is looking to help pilot a new intergenerational housing project that he believes will do just that.

TAPPI Cast - 17 February 2023

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Our weekly update on the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation' (TAPPI) project which aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people.

This week, we draw attention to a new Thought Piece by Dr Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive at Bield Housing and Care, our Scottish testbed published in Holyrood Magazine today, entitled ‘Scotland's older people should be able to live the life they want, and technology is a key enabler’. We also draw your attention to forthcoming TAPPI related events.

Sector News and Announcements

INGENIOUS – Understanding air population in homes

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Many of the activities we do in our own homes produce airborne pollutants, including particles and chemicals that can be harmful to our health. We don't know exactly where all of these pollutants come from, how they interact with each other or where they end up. The INGENIOUS project will investigate these unknowns and deliver useful interventions to limit exposure. 

Read more about the project or watch this short animation.


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As we look forward to the return of our HAPPI Hour webinars in April, we celebrate just one more week to go before the start of our virtual Housing LIN Summit 2023 – A Festival of Ideas. Taking place from Monday, 27 February to Friday, 3 March 2023, this week-long event comprises two 1.5-hour webinars a day and brings together leading figures from across the housing, health, social care and technology industries. Register your place now!


Housing LIN Website

Do you use the Housing LIN's website regularly? We would like to know what you think of it.

For example, do you find it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? If you could change one thing about our site, what would it be?

Please email us your comments at info@housinglin.org.uk

In next week's HLINks...

Lastly, next week we look forward to publishing two new Housing LIN Future Leaders' blogs.