HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Welcome to this week's edition of HLINks, your go-to e-bulletin for all things related to housing with care | Friday, 28 April 2023

This week, we were thrilled to announce plans for the 3rd cohort of our Future Leaders ProgrammeThanks to Inspired Villages Group, we're now seeking 8 committed people with an interest in housing for an ageing population to be part of our third intake.

Congratulations to all schemes that made the Housing Design Award shortlist. We're delighted to be a sponsor of the HAPPI-inspired category and look forward to reporting more on this next week. 

In other news, this week's HAPPI Hour explored how supported housing providers can help the NHS with some of its greatest challenges, welcoming speakers from Look Ahead Care and Support and NHS England. Missed it? Rewatch it here!

Other things that caught my interest this week include:

And, our next HAPPI Hour webinar takes place on Thursday, 11 May (note the change of day!) when we'll see the official launch of research on supporting people with learning disabilities to rent their own homes in association with Learning Disability England and the University of York.

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

Are you an early career professional and interested in leadership? The call to the Housing LIN Future Leaders Programme is now open!


We're thrilled to announce plans for the 3rd cohort of our Future Leaders Programme! With thanks to Inspired Villages Group’s support, we're looking for up to 8 early career professionals to join this year’s exciting programme.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, 12 May at 5pm.

TAPPI Cast – 28 April 2023

TAPPI logo

Welcome to TAPPI Cast, our weekly update on the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation' (TAPPI) project which aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people.

This week’s TAPPI cast includes an update from our TAPPI Partners and Testbeds, new publications of interest, and information about forthcoming TAPPI-related events. We also celebrate TSA'S ITEC 2023 success and reflect on the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI)’ session on the Innovation stage chaired by R​oy Sandbach OBE.


Sector News and Announcements

310,000 children in overcrowded homes forced to share a bed with parents or siblings

Overcrowding in England cover

Published by the National Housing Federation, this new report explores the impact overcrowding has on a family’s physical and mental health, wellbeing, daily lives and relationships.

This paper looks at the scale of overcrowding as measured in the English Housing Survey and the impact on families who deem themselves to be living in overcrowded conditions.

Redefining place-based care: Prevention, early access and health inequalities

Tunstall Logo

If we are to re-define care and achieve preventative services that reduce health inequalities, it’s important to approach services both holistically and through targeted resolutions to specific areas of care provision.

Gavin Bashar, UK & I Managing Director at Tunstall Heathcare, discusses the focus on prevention, early access and health inequalities and why we need to use technology to redefine place-based care.

Nationwide Community Grants programme opens!

Nationwide News item CGP

Nationwide is looking to fund projects with a clear link to their ambition for everyone to have a place fit to call home, that supports people in housing need and can demonstrate the impact their project will have on the local community. 

This programme is now open for registered charities, Community Land trusts, and housing co-operatives to apply for grants between £10k and £60k.

Deloneliness project - Stakeholder Recruitment


The ‘Deloneliness’ Research Group is conducting a co-design workshop at King’s College Bush House (WC2R1AE) in London – they are currently seeking participants that can provide expertise such as carers, housing managers and providers (such as sheltered housing/ housing associations), social workers/social prescribers, doctors, nurses, healthtech manufacturers, and family members of people aged over 65 that feel lonely.

The workshop aims to bring together different perspectives to better understand the important design considerations for a future monitoring system that is to be implemented in smart furniture and wearables to detect loneliness from home.

If interested, please contact deloneliness@kcl.ac.uk for more information. 

Commissioner for Older People and Ageing is needed in England


Last week, MPs attended a drop-in event in Westminster to discuss the need for an independent champion for older people and ageing. Led by Independent Age, Age UK, the Centre for Ageing Better and the National Pensioners Convention, the group recently launched its consensus statement on the need for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England. 

If created a commissioner in England would make independent recommendations and have the power to launch inquiries to resolve issues for older people now and in the future. Join the call for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing.

Supported and older people’s housing development survey

National Housing Federation

At the end of 2022, the National Housing Federation surveyed their members about their development plans for supported housing over the next five years. They also asked about the most significant barriers to the development of more homes. Here are the results!


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

We're delighted to share our forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinar series, returning in April!

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Next week

Next week, we're looking forward to the publication of a new guest blog on shared ownership in housing in later life by Saffron Housing Association's Louise Chapman.

In addition, we're delighted to share details about a new Housing LIN corporate sponsor!