HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Welcome to this week's edition of HLINks, your go-to e-bulletin for all things related to housing with care | Friday, 5 May 2023

This week I was delighted to welcome Charity Bank as a sponsor of the Housing LIN. Their mission to support ethical investment aligns with our goal to exemplify innovative and accessible housing solutions for an ageing population. With their generous support, we can continue to bring together the housing, health, and social care sectors, and provide access to invaluable resources and events that promote well-being and enhance the quality of life for older adults and individuals with learning and physical disabilities.

Ahead of our HAPPI Hour webinar ‘Shared Ownership for our Ageing Population (SO HAPPI)' on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 we published a new blog by Stephen Maraj, Sales Manager at Saffron Housing Trust. In this Housing LIN guest blog, he describes the work undertaken by Saffron Housing Trust to promote and market their new, mixed-tenure independent living development, Swallowtail Place, including Older Persons Shared Ownership.

And, if you haven’t booked you places, details about the next HAPPI Hour session on Thursday, 11 May (note change of day!), registrations are open. This HAPPI Hour webinar will see the official launch of research on supporting people with learning disabilities to rent their own homes

Read below for more news and events from the sector, including our weekly TAPPI cast.

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

Charity Bank joins the Housing LIN’s family of sponsors

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We are delighted to announce that Charity Bank, an ethical loans and savings bank that uses its savers' money to lend to charities and social purpose organisations, is a new sponsor of the Housing LIN!

Charity Bank is the loans and savings bank for charities, social enterprises and people who want to make the world a better place. Since 2002, Charity Bank has made more than 1,100 loans totalling over £400m to housing, education, social care, community and other social purpose organisations.

New Housing LIN guest blog on a new mixed-tenure independent living development

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This new Housing LIN guest blog follows the recent APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry report on shared ownership and housing in later life.

Stephen Maraj, Sales Manager at Saffron Housing Trust, describes the work undertaken by Saffron Housing Trust to promote and market their new, mixed-tenure independent living development, Swallowtail Place, including Older Persons Shared Ownership.

TAPPI Cast – 5 May 2023

TAPPI logo

Welcome to TAPPI Cast, our weekly update on the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation' (TAPPI) project which aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people.

Along forthcoming events of interest, this week’s TAPPI cast includes a new report by The Nuffield Council on Bioethics entitled 'The future of ageing: ethical considerations for research and innovation' which refers to TAPPI.

Are you an early career professional and interested in leadership? The call to the Housing LIN Future Leaders Programme is now open!


Last week, we were thrilled to announce plans for the 3rd cohort of our Future Leaders Programme! With thanks to Inspired Villages Group’s support, we're looking for up to 8 early career professionals to join this year’s exciting programme.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, 12 May at 5pm.

Sector News and Announcements

Neighbourhood networks: A model for community-based support

CfAB logo

Neighbourhood Networks (NNs) are community-based schemes offering a range of activities and services with the aim of improving health and promoting independence

In this new guide, the Centre for Ageing discusses how local areas can replicate community-based schemes that improve health and independence.

The research shows that the NN model has a great deal to offer, and outlines the benefits of the model.

Trying times: How people living in poor quality housing have fared during the cost of living crisis

Resolution Foundation logo

This report by Resolution Foundation looks at the experience of the cost of living crisis by tenure, the incidence of poor-quality housing, and the impact of poor-quality housing on health and wellbeing. It finds that people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to live in poor-quality housing. Even when accounting for income and demographic differences, poor-quality housing is associated with poorer physical and mental health.

National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities

World Health Organisation logo

Our physical and social environments are major influences on how we experience ageing and the opportunities it brings. Creating age-friendly environments enables all people to age well in a place that is right for them, continue to develop personally, be included, and contribute to their communities while enabling their independence and health.

This suite of resources by the World Health Organization, consisting of a guide and toolkit, aims to support every country to develop a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities.

Equality, diversity and inclusion data tool – submit your data

National Housing Federation

The NHF has launched an updated equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data to address inequalities within our workforces and the wider sector. As part of their latest EDI data collection they are calling on housing associations to send their completed tools and help the NHF build the most accurate picture of diversity in social housing in 2023.

To allow us time to analyse the data ahead of publishing the results at the National Housing Summit on 11-12 September 2023, members are asked to submit their completed data tool to equality.diversity@housing.org.uk before Monday 5 June.

NHF members are invited on Wednesday 10 May from 10-11am online to discuss how to use the EDI Data Tool. If you would like to attend, get in touch.


Watch, Listen & Learn

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We're delighted to share our forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinar series:

Events supported by the Housing LIN

On the wider conferences front, we are pleased to promote the following:

Next week

And next week, we look forward to publishing a new TAPPI blog and sharing details about another new Housing LIN corporate sponsor!

In addition, its Dying Matters Week and we will be publishing new bereavement and end of life care webpages on our website.