HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

Let's catch up!

Welcome to this week's edition of HLINks, your go-to e-bulletin for all things related to housing with care | Friday, 19 May 2023

This week, the government announced the members of the Older People's Housing Task Force, led by Professor Julienne Meyer. I'm excited to share that I am one of these members! With its mission to promote purpose-built retirement housing for older people, I look forward to sharing my expertise from the HAPPI process and the TAPPI project. As we approach the digital switchover in December 2025, it's more important than ever to prioritise the integration of smart technology into the initial design of homes for all.

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the ISPA research project in Glasgow and the official opening of the Bield Digital Hub in Linlithgow. And, further to GAAD, we also drew attention to Mental Health Awareness Week and Dementia Action Week with the publication of a new blog by Jane Jones, Senior Occupational Therapist at Stoke on Trent City Council, discussing a 3-year project focused on designing level access shower schemes for individuals after a dementia diagnosis.

We were also delighted to release a second guest blog by Joan Rutherford, Chair of the National Network of Older People's Housing Champions. In the blog, Joan discusses the theory of inclusive design and explores what this looks like in practice as not all urban designers are trained in inclusive design principles.

What else caught my interest:

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at: comms@housinglin.org.uk.

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

Housing LIN Products / Announcements

Government announces group of experts for Older People’s Housing Task Force

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This week, the government unveiled the line-up of experts selected to join the year-long Older People's Housing Task Force, led by Professor Julienne Meyer. Our esteemed Chief Executive, Jeremy Porteus, has been appointed as one of the 19 members. His inclusion in the newly established Task Force brings invaluable expertise and extensive experience in specialised housing and technology for older adults.

Dementia Action Week 2023 - Housing LIN resources

Dementia Action Week image

Dementia Action Week (15-21 May) is an awareness raising campaign. This year's theme is dementia diagnosis. With this in mind, Jane Jones, Senior Occupational Therapist at Stoke on Trent City Council, reflects on a 3-year project to design level access shower schemes for people following a dementia diagnosis in this new Housing LIN guest blog


New blog reflects on the theory and practice of inclusive design on Global Accessibility Awareness Day!

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In this Housing LIN blog, Joan Rutherford, Chair of National Network of Older People’s Housing Champions, reflects on the theory of inclusive design and explores what this looks like in practice while not all urban designers are trained in inclusive design principles.

ISPA website formally launched on Global Accessibility Awareness Day

This week also saw the formal launch of the ISPA (Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing) study microsite. Led by the University of Stirling in partnership with the universities of Bristol, Newcastle and St Andrews, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and the Housing LIN, ISPA is a 5-year project that will examine the inequalities and stigma experienced by older and disabled adults.

HAPPI Hour - Building better and beautiful: Place-shaping to regenerate homes and communities

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In association with Winckworth Sherwood, we were pleased to host this HAPPI Hour webinar on place-shaping to regenerate homes and communities and delighted to receive fantastic feedback from the audience:

  • Very interesting and lots of good information and ideas!
  • Great video demonstrating how an organisation is providing contemporary supported housing.
  • Informative and interesting presentations from a diverse range of speakers.

Missed it? You can now watch the recording and download the presentation slides here

TAPPI Cast - 19 May

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Welcome to TAPPI Cast, our weekly update on the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation' (TAPPI) project which aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people. Includes updates from our testbeds, new publications and forthcoming events of interest.

Sector News and Announcements

The Dementia and Housing Working Group relaunches

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Chair of Dementia and Housing Working Group, Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes, discusses how the housing group's action-orientated ethos creates tangible outcomes for people with dementia. 

The economic and social benefits of housing support

the economic and social benefits of housing support

This paper, published by UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, looks at the increasingly important, yet under researched, area of Housing Support that has evolved from a traditional focus on landlord-tenant activity to being a key mechanism that supports wider economic and social benefits (including health and community outcomes for individuals).

Leasehold Plus: The next step for home ownership in IRCs

Leasehold Plus cover

Published by ARCO, this discussion paper shares radical new proposals for the future of home ownership in the Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) sector.

Their proposals for ‘Leasehold Plus’ represent a bold, but practical, vision for further enhancing consumer protection.

Homes England launches its next five-year Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2023 to 2028 cover

Homes England launches its next five-year Strategic Plan, setting out how it will support communities and families by enabling the delivery of more good quality, affordable homes alongside the regeneration of towns and cities across England.

Disabled Facilities Grant Allocations confirmed

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities logo

Following on from the announcement in the Adult Social Care White Paper, People at the Heart of Care and the subsequent next steps document, The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) allocations for 2023-24 have now been confirmed by the Government.


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour logo

We're delighted to share our forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinar series:

Events supported by the Housing LIN

On the wider conferences front, we are pleased to promote the following:

Next week...

Following January's launch of the latest APPG on Housing and Care for Older People inquiry report, Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing for older people, we are delighted that Lord Best will be leading next week's HAPPI Hour on shared ownership and housing for older people. To coincide, we look forward to publishing a new Housing LIN Case Study on Saffron Housing Trust's mixed tenure extra care housing scheme in Acle, Norfolk.

We are also expecting the release of a new report by United St Saviours on almshouses.

And lastly, we'll welcome on board St Monica Trust as a new sponsor of our South West webpages and newly reformed SW region Leadership Set.