HLINks - New HLIN Scottish pages, new blogs, and news from the housing with care sector

Welcome to this week's edition of HLINks - the Housing LIN's weekly news bulletin.

This week, our new Housing LIN Scotland pages went live, and we published two blogs:

  • in the first Oscar Lawrence looks at the changing expectations of our older generations as baby boomers retire in ever increasing numbers, and
  • in the second the Housing LIN's Clare Skidmore speaks with a sheltered housing resident about her experiences and how that experience can be improved.

Don't forget that you can follow all of our news as it happens on our Twitter feed.

Housing LIN News

Housing LIN Scotland Pages

We're very pleased to announce that our new Housing LIN Scotland pages have gone live.

The pages now feature resources arranged by topics to make it easier for users to find relevant information they need about housing and housing with care in Scotland.

These pages include a large range of Scottish policy documents, research findings, tools and good practice on specialist housing for older people in Scotland.

Housing LIN Blogs

Taking 'Retirement' Out of Later Living

In this Housing LIN blog, Oscar Lawrence examines the changing housing needs of older people. With the number of over-65s in the UK forecast to increase by 22% by 2025, the UK needs to start building more housing for older people, and with a greater range of choice.

Sheltered Housing - Sylvia's Story

In this blog the Housing LIN's Clare Skidmore talks with a resident in sheltered housing, and listens to her experiences. Sylvia's Story doesn't shy away from some of the less than positive experiences of older people and this an important and timely reminder that the voices of residents and tenants need to be heard.

Don't forget that we welcome your thoughts about our blogs, and you can comment underneath the piece, or share on Twitter with the hastag #HLINBlog.

Housing Design Awards 2019

Entries are open for the 71st Housing Design Awards

The Housing LIN are very proud to sponsor the HAPPI category in the 2019 Housing Design Awards. Now in their 71st year these awards celebrate the best in design for housing across the UK. Since their inception in 1948 over a thousand schemes have been awarded prizes, and entries are now open for this year's competition.

Click the link below for more information about the Housing Design Awards.

New Resources

Neighbourhoods of the Future

Agile Ageing Alliance asked expert stakeholders what, in an ideal world, our homes and neighbourhoods could look like in 10 to 20 years, and what steps must be taken now to disrupt the status quo and make their vision a reality?

Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019 captures these thoughts and predictions and contains novel concepts for disrupting construction, finance, social and business models.

Building Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Manchester

Ambition for Ageing has found out what makes an age-friendly neighbourhood in Greater Manchester from over 3,000 older people. The findings have been released as a report, Building Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester and two briefings:                        

  • What Makes an Age-friendly Neighbourhood – a general briefing, exploring what older people have told AA about what makes neighbourhoods age-friendly.
  • How We Build Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods – a practitioners briefing showcasing age-friendly activities taking place across GM and exploring successes and challenges encountered by the Ambition for Ageing programme.

Housing for Older People

Health and Care

Planning News

Regional News

Scottish News

EAC Awards

EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2019

Each year Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) celebrates successful examples of later life housing. The main event is greatly enjoyed by over 300 guests, including the residents of the winning schemes.

Last year 10,229 individuals took part in the nomination process. There were 30 national awards and 78 commendations. In 2019 there are 320 regional awards and 36 national awards to be won.

Residents, staff and visitors are able to vote for the 2018-2019 Awards between 15 November 2018 and 28 February 2019.


Managed by the Housing LIN

Supported by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week we are expecting a new report from the Race Equality Foundation on housing for older people issues from BME communities, and we will be sharing the interim report from the Social Integration APPG's inquiry on intergenerational connections along with the evidence submitted by the Housing LIN.