HLINks - New Housing LIN Blog, plus all the latest housing with care news

This week's HLINks features a new blog by the Housing LIN's London regional lead, Margaret Edwards. This blog is part of a series that Margaret is writing for the Housing LIN about her and her husband's decision to turn their house into an accessible home.

We also have our usual roundup of news from the housing and housing with care sectors.

Housing LIN Blog

What Are You Having Done?

Margaret Edwards

In the latest installment of her ongoing series, Margaret Edwards describes how she and her husband are converting their house into an accessible property.

New Resource

Depression Among Older People Living in Care Homes

Cover Depression among older people living in care homes

This report looks at the incidence and treatment of people with depression living in care homes.

This joint project between geriatricians and old age psychiatrists was carried out to collate and showcase examples of the best practice that flows from effective interdisciplinary collaboration and practice in treating depression in older people living in care homes.

Housing and Older People


Health and Social Care

Regional News

Welsh News

EAC Awards

EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2019

Each year Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) celebrates successful examples of later life housing. The main event is greatly enjoyed by over 300 guests, including the residents of the winning schemes.

Last year 10,229 individuals took part in the nomination process. There were 30 national awards and 78 commendations. In 2019 there are 320 regional awards and 36 national awards to be won.

Residents, staff and visitors are able to vote for the 2018-2019 Awards between 15 November 2018 and 28 February 2019.


Managed by Housing LIN

Promoted by Housing LIN

Meeting Expectations with Digital Telecare

Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at Quince Court, Engayne Ave, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1BW

The world of telecare is changing fast as digital systems have become established. This event, supported by BT, will provide those involved in telecare, warden call and technology enabled care services (TECS) with important insight into the latest changes by telecoms providers and how they affect our sector.

The event will provide an opportunity to hear about the latest digital telecare and monitoring services available, including market leading digital telecare suite, Smart Living Solutions. Additionally, the event provides an opportunity to learn from peers on how other housing provides are introducing digital telecare.

Next Week

Next week sees the publication of our new Scottish blog by Housing LIN's Jeremy Porteus.