HLINks - New blog, new resources, and housing sector news

Welcome to the latest edition of HLINks. This week we feature a new blog by Housing LIN's Jeremy Porteus about the need for housing choice in Scotland. We also have several new resources, and our usual roundup of news from the housing and housing with care sectors.

Housing LIN Blog

HAPPI Now! Housing choice for older people in Scotland

Our newest blog is by the Housing LIN's Jeremy Porteus, and argues that older people in Scotland deserve a greater choice in housing.

Don't forget that you can let us know what you think by commenting on our blog pieces, or join the conversation on Twitter by using the #HLINBlog hashtag.

New Resources

Measuring ageing: An introduction to the Ageing Better Measures Framework

Cover Measuring Ageing

The Ageing Better Measures Framework was developed to help individuals and organisations working in this area to access and utilise some of the most high-quality measures, scales and data sources looking at outcomes at the individual level.

It is intended as an accessible tool for anyone who is interested in ageing-related data or evaluation of ageing-related activities.

Housing and health: new evidence using biomarker data

Cover Housing and health: new evidence using biomarker data

The link between housing and health is well established and long-standing, however much of the evidence relies on self-reported health measures. While these are useful, the availability of biomarker data allows us to add to this evidence using objective indicators of health.

Design Value at the Neighbourhood Scale

Cover Design Value at the Neighbourhood Scale

Creating well-designed neighbourhoods is widely accepted as an important policy objective. However, there is limited agreement on what this means in practice.

Synthesising the UK-based academic refereed literature, grey literature and policy documents, this evidence review explores the various ways in which design value has been defined and measured, and promoted, before concluding with a working definition of design value that incorporates social, environmental and economic elements.

Housing and Older People

Health and Social Care

Technology Enabled Care


Housing and Disability


Review of Progress with Integration of Health and Social Care

Review of Progress with Integration of Health and Social Care Cover

Since 2016, work has been underway across Scotland to integrate health and social care services. This report from the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care examines how much progress has been made.

Scottish News

Regional News

EAC Awards

EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2019

Each year Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) celebrates successful examples of later life housing. The main event is greatly enjoyed by over 300 guests, including the residents of the winning schemes.

Last year 10,229 individuals took part in the nomination process. There were 30 national awards and 78 commendations. In 2019 there are 320 regional awards and 36 national awards to be won.

Residents, staff and visitors are able to vote for the 2018-2019 Awards between 15 November 2018 and 28 February 2019.


Managed by the Housing LIN

Promoted by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week sees the release of our joint report with the Race Equality Foundation on the housing challenges facing older BME people.