HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

28 May 2024

We hope you had a wonderful bank holiday weekend!

Last week, Housing LIN's CEO, Jeremy Porteus, had the pleasure of attending the formal opening of United St Saviour's Appleby Blue Almshouse, setting a new benchmark for the quality of social housing and services for older adults.

Designed by Stirling Prize-winning architects Witherford, Watson, and Mann, Appleby Blue is a new almshouse run by United St Saviour’s Charity. It offers beautiful, spacious homes in a vibrant community setting for people over 65.

Discover more about this remarkable project, with insights from Martyn Craddock, CEO of United St Saviour’s Charity, and Alison Benzimra, Head of Research and Influence, in our feature on the Inspirational Achievement: Appleby Blue, Southwark.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

News Highlights

Recording now live! Technology for an Ageing Population Webinar

TAPPI HAPPI Hour image

Last week's webinar was a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the insights gained from the TAPPI (Technology for an Ageing Population: Panel of Innovation) project, funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust, and how the key findings and tools can help inform the sector’s agenda on technology-enabled care to facilitate independent living.

A big thank you to all our speakers for their insightful and inspiring contributions! The recording, presentation slides and chat report can now be found here

Have your say on Social Tenant Access to Information Requirements

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities logo

The government has announced a consultation seeking views on the introduction of new Social Tenant Access to Information Requirements that will allow social housing tenants and their representatives to access information related to the management of their housing.

The deadline for a response is 15 July 2024.

Resource Roundup

Commissioning community champions: Lessons from a pandemic

Commissioning community champions: Lessons from a pandemic COVER

This King’s Fund report explores the role and potential of champions programmes, a community-based approach to health and wellbeing, focussing in particular on the lessons learned from the time of the pandemic.

Commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), the report found several ways in which community champions programmes could add value at a local level.

Evaluation of the out-of-hospital care models programme for people experiencing homelessness

Evaluation of the the Out-of-Hospital Care Models Programme for People COVER.png

Following the Covid-19 pandemic a new hospital discharge and community operating model was introduced in England. This included the evidence-based recommendation that Home First Discharge to Assess (D2A) should incorporate specialist step-down intermediate care services for people experiencing homelessness.

Undertaken by King's College London and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, this evaluation demonstrates the considerable benefits of providing specialist out-of-hospital care services for people experiencing homelessness.

Reablement, Rehabilitation, Recovery: Everyone’s Business

Reablement, Rehabilitation, Recovery Everyone’s Business cover

This report by the British Geriatrics Society focuses on reablement and rehabilitation for older people and highlights the variation in provision across the UK despite evidence of significant benefits.

It argues that rehabilitation should be a component of virtually all care for older people, across all care settings, and that there is no such thing as ‘no rehabilitation’ potential.

Member Spotlights

How to design a dementia-friendly garden

HLIN Factsheet 35 cover

Check out this insightful piece published in The Times by PRP Director, Angeli Ganoo-Fletcher on the importance of creating a dementia-friendly garden for your loved ones. 

Angeli also wrote this Housing LIN Factsheet (No. 35) that highlights the potential of a well-designed landscaped garden to promote physical and mental health, while also mitigating the impact of cognitive decline.

Dates For Your Diary

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Events supported by Housing LIN

Housing LIN Consultancy

Consultancy, research & training services

Consultancy Hand Shake Image

Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.

Thank you Tunstall Healthcare

Tunstall Logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Tunstall Healthcare for its sponsorship of our news pages. This, along with this newsletter, enables us to bring the latest news and information on housing with care and technology matters to our members.