HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

10 June 2024

This week, we are excited to celebrate two significant awareness weeks.

Loneliness Awareness Week offers an opportunity to encourage everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection that help us feel happier and less lonely.

Additionally, Carers Week, with this year's theme 'Putting Carers on the Map', aims to increase visibility for carers among decision-makers, services, employers, communities and businesses.

We are pleased to present new Housing LIN guest blogs that highlight key themes around both loneliness and carers, including:

  • Working Together to Tackle Loneliness by Sarah Mitton, Age Friendly Communities Manager at Clarion Futures, Clarion Housing Group
  • Loneliness and the Built Environment: Towards Compassionate Places by Natasha Reid, Founder of Matter Space Soul

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

News Highlights

Upcoming webinar to provide top housing tips for NHS frontline staff and commissioners

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Tomorrow's HAPPI Hour hosted by Housing LIN in collaboration with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in the East of England (ADASS East) will specifically highlight two recent guides designed to assist people working within or alongside NHS staff in navigating housing services, systems and professional networks effectively.

The webinar, titled ‘Housing and Health Partnerships: Top Tips for NHS Front Line Staff and Commissioners’, will take place on 11 June 2024 from 4pm to 5pm.

Resource Roundup

Resources for local authorities interested in expanding financial support for home improvements

Centre for Ageing Better 2024 logo

The Centre of Ageing Better have published three reports with Foundations - the national body for Disabled Facilities Grants and Home Improvement Agencies in England - to better understand how local authorities are financially supporting individuals to make changes to their home despite an extremely challenging context for public budgets.

New easy read adaptation of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit

PSSRU logo

The ASCOT-ER for Older People is an easy read adaptation of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit, also known as ASCOT. 

ASCOT is designed to capture the aspects of quality of life most impacted by social care. This new, accessible version is designed to support the inclusion of people who find completing surveys tricky due to dementia, mild cognitive impairment, being unfamiliar with surveys or other issues. 

Building public support for a brighter social care future in 5 easy reframes – quick read

Social Care Futures logo

Social Care Future - a growing, people-powered movement for change - shares 5 things those who care about the future of social care can start to do now to help win the change we all want to see by learning to reframe our messaging. 

Growing older in Wales: Perspectives of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic older people

Older People's Commissioner for Wales logo

The Older People's Commissioner for Wales sought to gather the lived experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic older people through working with the organisations and people with whom people engage regularly.

Older people who took part were able to determine what they wanted to share as part of their 'lived experience' of growing older in Wales, and this report was written based on these findings.

New research shows the value Platform Housing are adding

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The work Platform Housing Group does to provide safe, secure, and affordable homes to their customers makes a significant contribution to society, a new report has found.

Working with a group of leading social housing providers, Platform Housing Group has supported new independent academic research that shows the social homes they provide generate economic growth and save public services, like the NHS, millions of pounds a year. 

Dates for your Diary

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Events supported by Housing LIN

Housing LIN Consultancy

Consultancy, research & training services

HLIN Hands

Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.

Thank you Tunstall Healthcare

Tunstall Logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Tunstall Healthcare for its sponsorship of our news pages. This, along with this newsletter, enables us to bring the latest news and information on housing with care and technology matters to our members.