HLINks - New Housing LIN short film and all our latest news

This we released the newest film in our series Spotlight on Extra Care Housing. Bridging the Health and Housing Gap is a short film that looks at how housing has an important role to play in preventative health.

As well as our new film we also have several new resources, and our usual roundup of news and resources from the housing with care sector.

Spotlight on Extra Care Housing

Bridging the Health and Housing Gap

Bridging the Gap 160

The Extra Care Housing model has great potential to reduce the pressure on hospitals by offering temporary, supported accommodation that encourages independence and recovery, while also offering patients an experience of an alternative living environment.

In this short film we hear from representatives of both sectors on their strategies for better, integrated working across professional boundaries, and the importance of recognising the individual's wants as well as their needs. And finally, a resident at the Homebridge unit at Farrow Court in Ashford talks about how the service has helped him back on the road to independence.

You can see more of our films by visiting our Spotlight on Extra Care page, and you can follow the conversation on Twitter using #ECHvideos.

New Resources

Making personalised care a reality: The role of occupational therapy

Cover Making Personalised Care a Reality

With the recently published NHS Long Term Plan advocating that personalised care is a key development required to modernise services, occupational therapists are ideally placed to advise on how to articulate the shift urgently required from a medicalised model to one based on personalised care.

UK Housing: Fit for the Future?

Cover UK Housing Fit for the Future

This report, by the Committee on Climate Change and its Adaptation Committee, assesses whether the UK’s housing stock is adequately prepared for the challenges of climate change; both in terms of reducing emissions from UK homes and ensuring homes are adequately prepared for the impacts of climate change.

Integrating Better

Cover Integrating Better

This guide and the resources within it are designed to support local areas on their journey to integrate services by reflecting good practice. The guide is aimed at directors, service managers and operational staff in both health and social care.

Housing for Older People

Accessible Housing

Social Care

Learning Disabilities

Technology Enabled Care

Intergenerational Living



EAC Awards

Final Chance to Vote in 2019 EAC Awards

The closing date for voting in the EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2019 is Thursday 28th February. 

Each year Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) celebrates successful examples of later life housing. The main event is greatly enjoyed by over 300 guests, including the residents of the winning schemes.


Managed by the Housing LIN

Supported by the Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week sees the publication of Housing LIN case study 151, Building the right homes for adults with learning disabilities and autism in Oxfordshire.