HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

22 July 2024

In this penultimate edition of HLINks before the summer break, we are pleased to share the final HAPPI Hour webinar recording of the Spring/Summer series.

In last week's webinar on Ageing Well, kindly supported by P+HS architects, we discussed the latest insights, best practices, and research on creating more socially resilient, age-friendly communities. We also explored how broader physical infrastructure can contribute to more inclusive and sustainable communities.

We received some fantastic feedback:

  • An interesting overview of how housing actors are dealing with the provision of safe, affordable and healthy housing that allows maximum community engagement.
  • Excellent range of thought-provoking, short presentations across research, policy and practice.
  • An interesting set of presentations, with a focus both on the impact of individual developments and their position in the wider community.

You can now watch the recording and download the presentation slides here

A big thank you to everyone involved in making this series a success. Watch this space as we look forward to launching our Autumn/Winter series in early September!

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

News Highlights

King’s Speech sets out an ambitious Parliamentary programme

Kings Speech Image 2

Last week, the King’s Speech set out the new Labour Government’s policy and legislative priorities for this Parliament.

They contain areas that will also be relevant to the mainstream housing and housebuilding sector which Housing LIN's CEO commented on here

Carers UK's Caring Survey - Have Your Say!

Carers UK logo

The Carers UK annual State of Caring survey is the most extensive survey into unpaid carers’ experiences in the UK. 

This year, there is a specific section on housing in the survey. Have your say by 11 August 2024! 

New report on sheltered housing

APPG on Housing and Care for Older People logo

This week, an inquiry initiated by the All-Party Parliament Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People launches its new report on The Regeneration of Outdated Sheltered Housing, written by Housing LIN. 

We look forward to sharing the key findings and recommendations. In the meantime, find out more about the inquiry here.

Resource Roundup

ADASS 2024 Spring Survey takes the pulse of adult social care

ADASS Spring 2024 COVER

This year’s ADASS Spring Survey report is now out. With a new government now in place, it highlights the current pressing operating climate for adult social care and the resultant challenges in meeting their statutory duties. However, it also makes the case for investing in ‘care closer to home’ measures to redress the balance.

Almshouse Resilient Communities (ARC) for the Future project

ARC for the Future Project image

The Knowledge Hub on Resilience in Almshouse Communities, hosted by United St Saviour's Charity, offers a free resource for almshouse residents, staff, social housing providers, and community builders.

It showcases 30 themes and numerous case studies on resilience, drawing from the experiences of residents, staff, and trustees in historic communities still developing new accommodations. 

Getting started with Design Codes

International Design Codes COVER

Office for Place have produced a suite of documents to help local councils develop their understanding of design codes.

They set clear and effective standards of design, assisting them to navigate through a complex policy landscape with limited resources.

Dates for your diary

Events supported by Housing LIN

Events supported by Housing LIN

Housing LIN Consultancy

HLIN Hands

Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.

Thank you Tunstall Healthcare

Tunstall Logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Tunstall Healthcare for its sponsorship of our news pages. This, along with this newsletter, enables us to bring the latest news and information on housing with care and technology matters to our members.