HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

9 September 2024

Welcome back – we've missed you!

We hope this newsletter finds you refreshed and rejuvenated after a well-deserved summer break.

In this edition of HLINks, we'll bring you the latest updates and highlight upcoming events in the housing, health, and social care sectors, including:

  • The launch of our autumn/winter HAPPI Hour webinar series, kicking off tomorrow (Tuesday 10th September). This series is particularly special as we celebrate a significant milestone—our 100th HAPPI Hour webinar!
  • Over the summer, we've released 10 new wide-ranging blogs for you to explore. Topics span from planning and inclusive design to the significance of intergenerational housing and initiatives like 'Starts at Home' Day, offering inspiration for every reader.
  • Exciting new sector research, announcements, and updates, including the Future Leaders Programme and the latest from the Amar Bari research project.

So, grab yourself a cuppa and join us as we share all the current news and developments.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

News Highlights

Join Us For Our 100th HAPPI Hour Webinar: New Series Returns 10th September!

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We are excited to announce the launch of our autumn/winter HAPPI Hour webinar series, starting on Tuesday 10th September!

Each session will feature a variety of guest speakers from across housing, health, and social care sectors, offering valuable perspectives and expertise.

This season promises to be a remarkable one as we celebrate a major milestone—our 100th HAPPI Hour webinar!


Housing LIN celebrates Starts At Home Day 2024!

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We were excited to support last month's #StartsAtHome day. To celebrate, we invited our Members to share their stories of success in supported housing.

Read on to discover incredible achievements by Anchor, GreenSquareAccord, Places for People, The Guinness Partnership, Coastline Housing, Orbit Homes, as well as the resident perspective! 

Amar Bari Amar Jibon Newsletter Update

Amar Bari logo

Research reveals insights into multigenerational living among Bangladeshi families in Newham, Redbridge, Hackney, and Tower Hamlets. The Amar Bari project explores their experiences within joint household structures in this news update.

Housing LIN a co-signatory to a HoME Coalition letter to the Deputy Prime Minister on accessible and adaptable housing

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August marked two years since the government committed to raising accessibility standards for new homes.

As reported in Housing Today, the HoME Coalition has written to the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing demanding the publication of the technical consultation on standards relating to accessible housing.

Our Future Leaders - leadership is not plain sailing

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We were delighted to hold the second meeting with early career members of the Housing LIN and Inspired Villages Group Future Leaders Programme last week, with guest speakers sharing inspiring accounts as well as insights on how and when to change tack on a leadership journey.

Government announces planning refresh to stimulate housebuilding

Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Gov logo

In July, the Deputy Prime Minister and Housing Secretary, Angela Rayner, announced plans for housing growth and published a consultation on updating the National Planning Policy Framework.

It proposes to set housing targets, provide conditions for land use and smarten up digital infrastructure to boost supply.

Consultation end date: Tuesday 24th September 2024.

Resource Roundup

Medical assessments for housing applications: Guide for Practitioners

Medial Assessments for Housing Applications cover

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has published a practitioner’s guide for officers who make decisions on people’s housing needs based on medical assessments.

Measuring the Wellbeing and Fiscal Impacts of Housing for Older People

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This research and evaluation report and supplementary document by SQW for Homes England provides evidence on measuring social value in older people's housing. It is one of four reports commissioned by Homes England into social value.

Keys to the future: Projecting housing tenure and poverty rates in later life

Keys to the future: Projecting housing tenure COVER

Latest research conducted by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) predicts a bleak future, with increasing poverty among older renters as the UK's ageing population grows. It found the number of renters in later life will rise substantially, with almost one quarter of all people aged 65 and over predicted to be living in rented accommodation by 2040.

Health, hope and prosperity: a vision for healthy new towns

Health, hope and prosperity TCPA COVER

This new Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) briefing sets out the high-level preconditions necessary to create a healthy new town and reflects on some of the key lessons that need to inform future thinking. Drawing on lessons from past New Town programmes, it outlines the kind of vision for healthy places that will be vital to securing high quality outcomes in new towns.

What help do people with learning disabilities need as they get older?

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Research by Manchester Metropolitan University finds that a secure, permanent home, access to transport links and green spaces, and support to maintain relationships with family and community are essential to support people with a learning disability and commissioners when planning ahead for older age.

Tackling digital exclusion

Tackling digital exclusion COVER

Work by Audit Scotland, informed by those with experience of digital exclusion, finds not enough is being done to tackle the harms caused by digital exclusion at a time when more services are moving online, and makes a series of recommendations to public bodies.

Expert Insights

Discover Our Summer Blog Highlights

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Over the summer, we've released a wide range of new blogs for you to explore. Topics span from planning and inclusive design to the significance of intergenerational housing and initiatives like 'Starts at Home' Day, offering inspiration for every reader.

Dates For Your Diary

HAPPI Hour Webinars - Sign Up here!


We are excited to announce the launch of our autumn/winter HAPPI Hour webinar series, starting on Tuesday 10th September!

Each session will feature a variety of guest speakers from across housing, health, and social care sectors, offering valuable perspectives and expertise.

This season promises to be a remarkable one as we celebrate a major milestone—our 100th HAPPI Hour webinar!

Events supported by the Housing LIN

Housing LIN Consultancy

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Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.