HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

2 December 2024

Tomorrow's HAPPI Hour comes at a highly opportune moment, following the release of the Older People’s Housing Taskforce's report last week, which includes several key recommendations on planning.

In partnership with Winckworth Sherwood Solicitors and West Waddy Archadia Architects, join us for an exclusive look at the National Planning Policy Framework reform and the landscape for delivering specialist housing within the government's ambition of 1.5 million new homes over the next 5 years.

It will cover the latest national policy and legal developments, the role of planning in healthy homes, and tools for building homes for an ageing population.

Chaired by Charlotte Cook, Partner at Winckworth Sherwood Solicitors, we'll be joined by:

  • Matthew Steinbrecher, Winckworth Sherwood Solicitors
  • Ifti Maniar, West Waddy Archadia Architects
  • Rowan Gilbert, Town & Country Planning Association

Taking place on Tuesday, 3rd December 2024, from 4pm to 5pm, be sure to book now!

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

News Highlights

Government publishes the Older People’s Housing Taskforce report

Older Peoples Housing Taskforce Report Image

Six months on from submitting its recommendations to the previous government, the new government has last week released the independent Older People’s Housing Taskforce report.

Entitled, ‘Our Future Homes: Housing that promotes wellbeing and community for an ageing population’, it finds that there is an urgent need for age-appropriate housing solutions and makes a number of strategic and operational recommendations to address these, including a call for a national strategy on housing for older people.

Today's Housing LIN Future Leaders inspire a future generation of sector leaders

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The 4th cohort of the Housing LIN’s Future Leaders Programme (FLP) met online last week, joined by guest speakers Louise Read (Inspired Villages Group), and Maxine Espley (Green Square Accord).

Both shared their personal leadership journeys, covering topics like embracing change, overcoming imposter syndrome, developing compassion, and building resilience in the face of challenges.

The Amar Bari, Amar Jibon Professional Advisory Group meets to discuss initial project findings

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Open University, Bangla Housing Association and members from the Bangladeshi Research Advisory Group met last week with the project’s core Professional Advisory Group to present the initial preliminary analysis from the interviews with the Bangladeshi ‘probin’ community on the Dunhill Medical Trust funded ‘Amar Bari, Amar Jibon’ research.

Immersive stand at the OT Show unveils a future vision of fully accessible homes

Pro Care and Invisible Creations OT Show

PROCare and Invisible Creations won the Best Stand Award for their groundbreaking installation at this year’s Occupational Therapy Show. As part of their Fit for Our Future campaign, they offered attendees an immersive experience into the future of accessible design!

Resource Roundup

Webinar recording - Living Intergenerationally: Finding Common Ground

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Watch last week's HAPPI Hour webinar recording on how creating intergenerational approaches has significant social impact. 

Highlighting the work on Intergenerational England and others, we showcased a range of different examples of how housing providers and architects are innovatively proofing their developments with intergenerational designs, community in-reach and services.

Expert Insights

Collective Challenge, Collective Strength: Community As a Healer in Times of Division

Savannah Fishel headshot

Savannah Fishel, Winston Churchill Travelling Fellow and Service Designer at Innovation Unit, reflects on the way in which housing communities in the US bonded more tightly in response to the recent election results.

We look forward to her Fellowship exploring explore what it takes to create thriving intergenerational communities in practice.


Other Items that Caught our Interest...

Dates for your diary


Welcome to our autumn/winter HAPPI Hour webinar series! Each session will feature a variety of guest speakers from across housing, health, and social care sectors, offering valuable perspectives and expertise.

All forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinars:

Housing LIN Research and Advisory Services

HLIN Hands

Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our Research and Advisory Services.