HLINks - Catch up with the Housing LIN

HLINks Weekly: Housing, Health, and Social Care Latest News

24 February 2025

Welcome to this week’s edition of HLINks! As a valued member of our community, we’re excited to bring you the latest updates, insights, and resources from across the housing, health, care, and technology sectors.

In this issue, we highlight key discussions on community-led housing, government consultations on supported housing, and expert perspectives on extra care housing and design. 

Plus, we’re gearing up for next week’s Housing LIN Annual Conference in Leedsthe first of two we’re hosting this March! We’re excited to bring together sector leaders, share innovative ideas, and explore solutions shaping the future of age-friendly homes and connected communities. 

Continue reading for a roundup of policy updates, reports, research, and upcoming events shaping the sector. 

We hope this week’s HLINks newsletter provides you with useful insights and inspiration. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming weeks!

Best wishes,

HLINsquare_Logo The Housing LIN Team

Sector News and Announcements

Housing LIN’s South West Leadership Set meeting focuses on enabling communities

SW Set Feb 25

We were delighted to be joined by Tom Chance, CEO of the Community Land Trust Network, and Kathleen Woodhouse, a community development worker from Bristol (funded by St Monica Trust), who set out national and local approaches to community enablement; from the work of Community Land Trusts to stimulate a vision for community-led housing to Asset Based Community Development approaches that are inspiring new ways of engaging communities.

Government launches consultation on Supported Housing regulation

Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Gov logo

The Government has published its proposals for implementing measures in the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act 2023 and changes to Housing Benefit Regulations.

In short, it is proposing to introduce a locally led (scheme level) licensing regime for supported housing across England, along with new National Supported Housing Standards for the support provided and changes to Housing Benefit Regulations to ensure that supported housing is good quality and delivers value for money.

Read what Ian Copeman, Business Director at Housing LIN, had to say here

Resource Roundup

House of Commons committee publishes report on the rights of older people

The rights of older people COVER

The House of Commons Women and Equalities committee has published its inquiry report on ‘The rights of older people’. The report makes a number of recommendations to government around the overarching themes of tackling ageist stereotypes, overcoming digital exclusion, enforcing older people’s rights and improved governance arrangements. The Government has two months to respond.

Government publishes a New Towns policy paper

Building new towns for the future COVER

The Government has published a policy paper on its New Towns programme, ‘Building new towns for the future’. The paper provides an update on Phase One of the New Towns Taskforce, reiterating the programme’s aims and objectives and lessons learned from previous programmes which will help inform the Taskforce’s final report, as well as outlining arrangements for Phase Two.

Read what Jeremy Porteus, CEO of Housing LIN, had to say here.

Plan-making guidance

Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Gov logo

The Government has published ‘Plan-making’ guidance which consolidates on several aspects relating to planning requirements; from statutory duties and the role of plans to maintaining effective cooperation and a sound evidence base to delivering strategic matters and local interventions.

Expert Insights

How can the design of extra care housing help to improve the health and wellbeing of older people?

Josie Dorling headshot

This new Housing LIN guest blog by Josie Dorling, Architect at Poynton Bradbury Architects, explores the rising issue of social isolation among older adults, particularly those over 75, who often go for long periods without social contact, increasing their risk of loneliness and health decline.

Bridging the Gap: My Journey with the Housing LIN Future Leaders Programme

Faye Sanders headshot

This new Housing LIN guest blog explores the transformative experience of Faye Sanders, a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Bath, in the Housing LIN Future Leaders Programme.

It highlights inspiring stories of leadership, overcoming imposter syndrome, and lessons on resilience from industry leaders, and is the first of a series of blogs we look forward to publishing as we approach this year's Housing LIN Conference

What else caught our interest...

See What We’re Working on Behind the Scenes!


We're busy planning our Spring/Summer series of HAPPI Hour webinars. In the meantime, you can watch all previous HAPPI Hour webinar recordings here.

Curious about the various projects the Housing LIN is engaged in? These include groundbreaking research collaborations with universities and the creation of new tools and resources to shape policy and practice. Find out more here!

Events supported by the Housing LIN

International Technology Enabled Care Conference (ITEC), 17 – 18 March 2025, ICC in Birmingham

  • TSA’s ITEC Conference is the largest dedicated Technology Enabled Care Conference in the UK. The Housing LIN is delighted to have secured 25 free two-day passes to the conference, on a first come first served basis. During registration, when asked if you have been issued a booking code, please select ‘YES’ and input the following code: ITEC2025/HLIN25. Please note the gala dinner ticket option isn’t part of this offer and is chargeable.

Housing LIN Research and Advisory Services

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Building on our highly-prized learning and improvement ethos, the Housing LIN can help you and your organisation underpin your progress in a changing and challenging work environment.

Let's Work Together! To find out how we can support your operational and/or strategic plans, contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our Research and Advisory Services.