HLINks: Community-led planning, how care schemes can fight loneliness, EAC awards, and more news about specialist housing

Welcome to this week's HLINks, the weekly bulletin of the Housing LIN.

Ahead of next week's Housing LIN conference we have published a new guide to community-led development, commissioned by Central Bedfordshire Council. We also published a new blog by Katey Twyford on the role that care schemes can play in combatting loneliness. And we also have news about the EAC Awards.

New Housing LIN Guide

How to Develop a Community-Led Approach to Age Friendly Housing in Central Bedfordshire

Cover CBC Report

The Housing LIN’s newest guide, How to Develop a Community-Led Approach to Age Friendly Housing in Central Bedfordshire, sets out action that will assist communities in Central Bedfordshire to take the next steps in implementing plans to increase the number of homes suitable for an ageing population.

The guide will be formally launched at the Housing LIN’s Annual Conference next week by Julie Ogley, Central Bedfordshire Council’s Director of Social Care, Health and Housing and ADASS President-elect.

The Housing LIN’s Chief Executive, Jeremy Porteus, said of the report:

“Community-led development is going to play an ever-increasing role in the provision of housing for older people in the UK. The Housing LIN are proud to be leading the conversation and showing the ‘art of the possible’ in relation to community-led housing for an ageing population. It’s about giving greater voice to achieve more choice.”

New Blog

Who wants to be lonely? How housing with care schemes are well placed to reduce unwanted isolation

This new blog by the Housing LIN's dementia co-lead, Katey Twyford, argues that care schemes have a role to play in combatting loneliness and social isolation.

EAC Awards

EAC Awards Regional Winners Announced

Organised by EAC, this week saw 300 regional awards made public. And a further 36 national awards in total will be won at the awards ceremony to be held Tuesday, 21 May 2019 in Manchester.

New Resources

Multigenerational living: an opportunity for UK house builders?

Cover Multigenerational Living

This report analyses recent evidence on the scale and character of multigenerational households in the UK, and gives detailed insights from those who have experienced this lifestyle.

Home to the Unknown: Getting Hospital Discharge Right

Cover Home to the Unknown

This report from the Red Cross examines patients’ experience of discharge from hospital and their transition from hospital to home.

The findings in this report reveal that, despite a wealth of guidance on ‘ideal’ hospital discharge and examples of excellence and good practice, problems persist.

The State of Ageing in 2019

Cover State of Ageing

This report from the Centre for Ageing Better gives a snapshot of ageing today and in the future.

How prepared is society for our longer lives? This report, 'The State of Ageing in 2019', uses publicly available data to give a snapshot of what life is like for people aged 65 and older today. It also investigates the prospects for people currently in their 50s and 60s looking across four crucial areas: work and finances, housing, health and communities.

Supported Housing

Housing and Ageing


UWL Dementia Education & Training Project Survey

This survey is part of a project exploring dementia education and training in Higher Education and it is anticipated that the results of this work will inform future developments in the sector.

The organisers are inviting a range of people to take part in the survey, including those working in health and social care, educators, family carers and people living with dementia.

Dementia 2020 Citizens’ Engagement Panel

This survey is for people living with dementia. The intention is that this will build on wider engagement and enable first hand reports to Ministers and senior management to determine if actions under the 2020 Dementia Implementation Plan are making a difference to people’s lives. The organisers want to hear from as many people as possible to ensure that they properly reflect the experiences of people with dementia and their families and carers.

Health and Housing

Mainstream Housing

New Developments

Intergenerational Living

Scottish News


Housing LIN Events

Supported by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week, ahead of our annual conference, we will be publishing a guest blog from ECCT’s Shirley Hall on ‘Bridging the loneliness gap – how bringing the generations together benefits both’. We then look forward to featuring their new evaluation report that shows older people benefit from improved physical and mental health in retirement communities, resulting in cost savings to the NHS.