HLINks: New Blogs, DICE update, HDAwards, Better Care Fund, and more!

This week we published two new blogs on housing in later life choices, and on tackling social exclusion of older residents. We also announce the inaugural meeting of the DICE (Diversity in Care Environments) Project; the shortlisted HAPPI schemes at this year's Housing Design Awards (sponsored by the Housing LIN); and our usual roundup of news from the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

Please also not that it is your last chance to take part in our Rightsizing survey and enter in a prize draw to win an Amazon Echo.

New HLIN Blogs

Accommodating my Choices in Later Life: Bite the Bullet or Russian Roulette?

Trisha Lawrence

In this blog, Trisha Lawrence, 65 and a half year old, textile artist and self-described disrupter addresses “how do we make the right choices about housing in later life?”

Tackling social exclusion at Grand Union Housing Group

Jan Davis

Jan Davies of Grand Union Housing writes about how recent new developments in digital technologies and adopting modern new ways of care and support can ensure their older customers continue to live happy, healthy, engaged and independent lives.


Diversity in Care Environments

The inaugural meeting of the DICE Project First impact advisory group took place this week. The Housing LIN is delighted to partner this new 2 year ESCR funded research led by the University of Bristol. It will focus on ‘Promoting Social Inclusion in Housing with Care and Support for Older People in England and Wales’.

Housing Design Awards

HAPPI design awards reaches new heights

A number of impressive schemes that meet HAPPI design principles have been shortlisted in this year’s Housing Design Awards.

Sponsored by the Housing LIN, the HAPPI award category exemplifies the best in designing for our ageing population and includes 2 sub-categories for completed schemes and projects that are currently on the drawing board.

Six developments have been shortlisted in each category and the winning schemes will be announced at the National Housing Design Awards ceremony on 11 July in London


Last chance to take part in Rightsizing survey

Shakespeare Martineau

Don't forget that our rightsizing survey is closing next week

We partnered with solicitors firm Shakespeare Martineau to publish this survey with our respective members and clients.

We want to get a clearer understanding of why more later living accommodation is not being built, what the demand is for these types of properties and what will encourage developers to invest more in these types of properties.

Everyone taking part in the survey will be entered in a prize draw to win an Amazon Echo.

We aim to publish findings by late June.

Housing for Older People

Extra Care Housing

Health and housing

Dementia and housing


Tunstall Digital Journey Roadshow

Tunstall Digital Journey Roadshows Flyer

Join Tunstall at an exclusive event near you to find out more about the expert resources they have available to help you manage the transition and maximise the digital opportunity of the UK’s upgrade to an IP communications network in 2025.

  • 1 May - Coventry
  • 2 May - Huntingdon
  • 8 May - Livingston
  • 14 May - Bury
  • 15 May - Conwy
  • 16 May - Durham
  • 21 May - Ilminster
  • 22 May - Newport
  • 4 June - London




Housing LIN Events

Promoted by the Housing LIN