HLINks: New HLIN Viewpoint, HLIN Blog, and HLIN Cymru Survey

This week saw Deaf Awareness Week 2019, and Housing LIN Viewpoint 95 looks at hearing loops, and what extra care scheme managers need to know about them. We also have a new blog about rightsizing, a survey for Housing LIN Cymru members, and our usual roundup of the week's news.

New Housing LIN Viewpoint

In the loop? Ten things managers of Extra Care Housing should know about hearing loops

Housing LIN Viewpoint 95 looks at hearing loops, and what staff at Extra Care Housing schemes need to know about them.

Most Extra Care Housing schemes have a hearing loop installed somewhere in the building. Induction loop systems are a way of helping people with hearing loss hear speech more clearly in certain circumstances, by beaming sound from a microphone directly into the person’s hearing aid(s).

They can be wonderful, transmitting sound from across the room directly into your ears, but staff need to know how they work.

New Housing LIN Blog

Rightsizing: It’s the quality, not the size, that matters

Making the decision to leave a larger property is not a simple one, but the benefits that can be reaped by moving to the right sized property, as part of a retirement village, cannot be underestimated, writes Nick Sanderson, CEO of Audley Villages and Chairman of ARCO, in this new Housing LIN blog.

Housing LIN Cymru

Housing LIN Cymru Members Survey

Following this month’s announcement by the Older People’s Commissioner to make Wales the best place in the world to grow older, we want to cement our activities for 2019/2020 based on your ambitions and the issues facing the housing and care sectors.

It would therefore be very helpful if you could take 10 minutes to let us know how the Housing LIN Cymru can best support you and your organisation. The results of this survey will inform the thinking about the format of future events, the learning materials we can produce, the location and timing of events and importantly the subject matters covered. 

We want to know the views of the members of Housing LIN Cymru. Click on the link to have your say on what you would like from our growing Welsh network. The deadline for completion is Monday, 20 May 2019.

Housing and Ageing

Health and Housing

Dementia and Housing

Home From Hospital Map

Update to Delayed Transfer of Care (DToC) Data

We're getting ready to update our Home from Hospital map. If you know of a Delayed Transfer of Care project which we have not featured, or which needs updating, then please contact us by email info@housinglin.org.uk and including "Home from Hospital" in the subject line.


Housing LIN Events

Supported by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week, to coincide with Mental Health Awareness week, we release a couple of related thought pieces. The first, a new Viewpoint by Katey Twford, explores loneliness among older people, while the second, a guest blog by Jolie Goodman of the Mental Health Foundation looks at the Standing Together project which aims to reduce loneliness in older people.