HLINks: New Housing LIN Viewpoint, Social Integration APPG report, and new blogs

This week was Mental Health Awareness week, and we published a new Housing LIN Viewpoint on tackling loneliness among older people. We also published two blogs on the theme of mental health. This week also saw the publication of the interim report from the Social Integration APPG. As well as these we also have all this week's news from across the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

New Housing LIN Viewpoint

Exploring how to develop effective services to reduce loneliness

In recent months the Housing LIN has published a number of Blogs that consider different aspects of loneliness including how housing with care schemes are well placed to reduce unwanted isolation and how bringing generations together can benefit both in bridging the loneliness gap.

Housing LIN Viewpoint 96 explores best practice in developing effective services to reduce loneliness and provides six top tips for setting up new services.

Social Integration APPG Report

Healing the Generational Divide

Healing the Generational Divide is the interim report from the Social Integration APPG.

The report includes policy proposals for local authorities and central government on intergenerational housing, urban planning, and tackling social isolation.

The Housing LIN submitted written evidence to the APPG's hearings. You can read the report and the Housing LIN's submission by clicking the link below.

New Housing LIN Blogs

Body Image: Leading a Life Class

Why was a life class chosen for the launch of the Standing Together Cymru Project? The Mental Health Foundation's Jolie Goodman explains.

Build to Rent can provide a blueprint for Later Living

Britain’s population is ageing, and with the current under supply of purpose-built retirement housing, scaling up a dedicated Later Living sector has become a matter of urgency. Luckily, there is a blueprint for growth and innovation on which this emerging sector can draw from: Build to Rent. By Rory O'Hagan of Assael Architects.

Housing LIN Training

Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act 2005

To improve your understanding of the MCA, we offer a one day training course with an extremely interactive programme, covering all that you need to know in respect of working with people who might, at some time in their lives, lack capacity.

Design and Technology

Health and Social Care


Accessible Housing


Have Your Say

Monday is the last day to take part in our Housing LIN Cymru survey. Click the link below to have your say.


Housing LIN Events

Promoted by Housing LIN

Tunstall Digital Roadshow

Tunstall Digital Journey Roadshows Flyer
  • 21 May - Ilminster
  • 22 May - Newport
  • 4 June - London

Next Week

Next week is Dementia Awareness Week. We'll be publishing case studies looking at best practice in dementia care every day next week. Look out for our e-alert on Monday.