HLINks: Adaptations without Delay, new blog, and news and events from the housing sectorr

Today sees the launch of the new Housing LIN and Royal College of Occupational Therapists guide, Adaptations without Delay. We also have a new Housing LIN blog looking at opportunity in the later living market, and our usual roundup of news and events from the housing with care and the supported housing sectors.

New Report

Adaptations without Delay

Adaptations without Delay is the new guide from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, co-authored by the Housing LIN's Jeremy Porteus and Ian Copeman.

This new report is intended to be used by practitioners and organisations across the UK who may be contacted by disabled and older people and their families who are seeking advice or support with home adaptations

New Housing LIN Blog

The Later Living Opportunity

For our latest Housing LIN blog Félicie Krikler, director of Assael Architecture, reports on a seminar looking at the opportunities in the UK later living market.

"The ageing population should not be made to feel like a burden or endure a lower quality of life in their later years" says Krikler, but how can we make later living opportunities more attractive to investors?


2019 Housing Design Awards

The Housing LIN are proud to sponsor the Housing our Ageing Population or HAPPI category at this year’s National Housing Design Awards.

Taking place on Thursday, 11 July at the IET, London, registration is now open to attend the early evening awards ceremony and/or the preceding afternoon seminar. The event includes a session on the K1 cohousing scheme at Marmalade Lane in Cambridge featured as a Housing LIN blog. Click here to register for the seminar, awards or both. 

Design and Technology

Housing and Ageing

Housing for Older People

Housing for People with Disabilities

Leaseholder Housing


Housing LIN Events

Promoted by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week is Learning Disability Awareness week and Loneliness Awareness week. We will be sending an e-alert about our resources, and also publishing a new case study from Cornwall Council looking at housing for people with learning disabilities.