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Click here for more information on Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the TAPPI project.

The TAPPI Inquiry Report: Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation – Phase One


(opens new window)Technology and digital infrastructure that support future care needs must be built into all new housing, leaders from a range of sectors urged in this report by the TAPPI Inquiry in October 2021.

Chaired by Professor Roy Sandbach OBE and funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, the Housing LIN's 6 month TAPPI Inquiry Panel heard from people with lived experience about the technological opportunities and barriers faced in their lives, especially during COVID. It also captured evidence and examples of innovative practice from over 30 sector leaders on tech solutions across housing, health and social care used to enable people to live independently and well at home. 

These have helped shape the Panel’s ‘Big Insights’ and the ten foundational TAPPI principles to build technology into housing in a way that improves life for our ageing population.