Phase three: Co-production product creation: August 2023 – December 2023

During phase three the Champions group continued to meet, mentoring continued, and we conducted the final site visits.

Developing and testing products

The main activity in the final phase was developing and testing products. This was done mostly through the co-production champion’s meetings however some activity was outside of the meetings. The issue of what sort of products might be helpful for organisations considering the co-production of similar projects to TAPPI was raised at several meetings. A list of potential products was compiled and revised. At some meetings specific questions were asked of the group which related to a particular product. For example, for the Why co-produce Technology Enabled Care product the group drafted two statements included in the resource. At some meetings the champions looked at draft versions of the products and made comments.

In the early meetings of the Champions’ group members drew pictures and spoke about how they felt about technology. Tenants in particular were able to express their real fears and considerable anxiety about technology. As the project progressed and familiarity with technology grew this anxiety reduced to some extent.  Out of these discussions arose the idea of making some short films. The films would be used by staff and relatives to show tenants to try and ease their fears and help them make choices about technology. 

In the films later life housing tenants described their ‘technology journeys’. They spoke about their fears regarding technology but also how it had helped them retain independence and improved their quality of life. These films were co-produced with individual group members working with Co-production Works to create the first draft of the scripts. Then these drafts were checked with the wider group. The films were animated, and the group helped shape the drawing style. Members also contributed photos of their living spaces to help ensure the films looked as authentic as possible.

Watch: Animated Films - Technology It’s Not What You Think