Phase two: Implementation: January 2023 – July 2023

Running the Co-production Champion’s group

The Co-production Champion’s group meet every six weeks throughout the project. The meetings were held on Zoom and lasted two hours including a 15-minute break. The first meeting was used mainly to get to know each other and to develop a shared understanding of co-production in TAPPI. In the first three meetings we agreed a terms of reference document which set out the purpose of the group, membership, how long the group would meet for and so on. Most meetings had a guest from the wider TAPPI programme who described their area of work with the group and discussed how the champions could get involved. Guests in the early meetings included two people from the TAPPI communications team and someone working on standards for assistive technology. Both these early visits had positive practical outcomes. The communications team featured several champions in a series of personal stories about technology and later life along with 10 top tips to encourage and help you write such stories (opens new window). One champion has spoken about TAPPI at several conferences and events. The champions’ perspectives have helped shape TAPPI thinking about standard for digital technology. 


Each testbed site had an allocated mentor from the Co-production Works team. The mentoring meetings were also held about every six weeks. They were timed to be in between the Champions’ meetings to enable continued contact with Co-production Works. The mentoring meetings were used to support the Champions to co-produce TAPPI in their local testbed site.

Continuing testbed site visits

During the implementation phase we continued to visit sites.

Next: Phase three: Co-production product creation: August 2023 – December 2023