Archived Events

Event Title Date Type
South West Region Housing LIN Meeting - Bristol
GAHLF / Housing LIN Health Summit
Housing LIN Extra Care Housing Annual Conference 2014 - London
My House or My Home? The challenges of ageing and housing - London (Supported by the Housing LIN)
New Approaches to Housing in Later Life: the role of co-housing - Manchester
South East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Oxford
A Better Life: valuing our later years - York (Supported by the HLIN)
London Region Housing LIN Meeting - Greenwich
Integration Transformation Fund (ITF) DFGs and Independent Living – 3 Regional Seminars (Supported by the HLIN) till
Supported Housing Conference - London (supported by the Housing LIN)
Housing and Public Health: New Era, New Partnerships? (Supported by the HLIN) - London
West Midlands Housing LIN - Birmingham
The Dementia Challenge: Building Dementia-Friendly Communities (Supported by the HLIN) - London
Care and Support Seminar: Dementia in Housing (Supported by the HLIN) - Birmingham
Care and Support Seminar: Safeguarding in Housing - Birmingham
North West Region Housing LIN Meeting - Radcliffe
North East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Durham
South West Region Housing LIN Meeting - Winscombe
Housing - the answer to the health and care crisis (Supported by the HLIN) - York
Home Improvement Agency and Handyperson Conference 2013 (Supported by the HLIN) - Stratford-upon-Avon till