Archived Events

Event Title Date Type
Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - St Neots
Making best use of our sheltered housing asset (supported by the HLIN) - Birmingham
Extra Care in Wales (Supported by the HLIN) - Llandrindod Wells
Planning for an Ageing Population - A Holistic Approach - South East event - Oxford
Planning for an Ageing Population - East of England (Supported by the HLIN) - Cambridge
Homes for living forum, Accessibility and the new housing standard
Delivering Housing with Care & Support for Older People - Birmingham till
Housing services for older people and the new health and wellbeing agenda (supported by the HLIN) - Birmingham
NHF Care and Support Conference and Exhibition 2013 till
North West Region Housing LIN Meeting
Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Housing LIN Meeting
London Region Housing LIN Meeting
South West Region Housing LIN Meeting
Year of action on dementia awareness Event - East of England
South and South West Housing LIN Spring Conference
West Midlands Region Housing LIN Meeting
South East Health, Wellbeing and Support Conference
Confident Commissioning for Personalisation till
North West Region Housing LIN Meeting
Housing People With Dementia – Planning and delivering services to meet the challenge - London seminar