Fit for Ageing - one day workshop & dissemination event - Sheffield (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


Fit for Ageing: applying design to the production of age-friendly places

This free one-day workshop and dissemination event explores the changing role of the built environment in supporting the well-being and mobility of an ageing population.

Bringing together professionals from a range of disciplines (built-environment, health, community development, housing, and social care) we will explore how design-led thinking can be applied to neighbourhoods and cities - in order to develop new visions and join up resources at time of shrinking budgets.

The morning session will include presentation of findings from the DWELL project, including the development of our 'design for active ageing' principles. Participants will also be invited to explore an exhibition of design work produced by the DWELL project and our older participants.

Afternoon workshop sessions will interrogate the barriers and opportunities presented by the 'real-world' scenarios in which professionals operate, and test different approaches to risk, problem solving, and partnership working.

Twitter: #FitforAgeing


10.00 Coffee & registration

10.30 Welcome & introduction - Introduction to the DWELL Project - Prof Sarah Wigglesworth, Principal Investigator.

11.00 Keynote & discussion - Fit for Ageing - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN

12.00 Research presentations & discussion

  • Designing with downsizers - Participatory methods & report launch - Dr Adam Park
  • Developing age-friendly housing - DWELL findings - Prof Malcolm Tait & Dr Friederike Ziegler
  • Planning for a healthy city - Dr Lee Crookes

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Workshop session - Delivering Age-friendly places: Risk and reward in an era of austerity

15.30 Refreshment break

15.45 Plenary discussion - Led by Kevin McGeough, Head of Place-Making, Ebbsfleet Garden City

16.15 Closing remarks - Prof Sarah Wigglesworth

16.30 Event closes


Professionals working in health, community, built-environment, housing who are involved in the production of age-friendly environments.

Booking Terms

Important notice: this event provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the Housing LIN's incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this event is £150 plus VAT per head.

In addition, please make sure to read the Photography and Recording Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions (opens new window)

This event is made possible by

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