GAHLF / Housing LIN Health Summit

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Healthy Communities = Healthy Lives'

A unique multi disciplinary conference / summit to enable health, social care, housing providers and commissioners to share experience and information, hear about innovative joined up solutions, understand more about the essential contribution that housing makes to health and wellbeing and break down perceived barriers in order to work together more effectively to create better outcomes for the people of Gloucestershire

This event will also launch the Gloucester Affordable Housing Landlords' forum document - "Putting health back into Housing" - A copy of this report will be provided for all delegates on the day

The unprecedented external operating environment that all the above professionals are now working in means that more than ever before it is essential to breakdown "silos", work collaboratively and gain insight into how sharing budgets and creating innovative early interventions add value to the health and social care agenda to relieve acute expenditure which is not only more costly to the public purse but, of greater concern, more costly to lives.


  • 9.30 Registration
  • 10.00 Chair's welcome - Paul Stephenson, CEO Cheltenham Borough Homes.
  • 10.15 - 11.00 - Keynote Address 1: Health-Social Care-Housing the benefits of integration. - Speaker: Jeremy Porteus - Director Housing LIN.
  • 11.00 - 12.30 - Knowledge and Information Exchange Session (list attached (opens new window))
  • 12.30 - 1.15 - Keynote Address 2: The role of social prescribing - Speaker: Dr Ian Donald Consultant at Gloucester Royal Hospital and on management committee of care and repair England.
  • 1.15 - 2.00 Lunch networking/exhibition Area
  • 2.00 - 2.45 - Keynote Address 3: The contribution Housing can bring - Speaker: Professor David Melzer of the University of Exeter and author of the report on long term conditions of older people
  • 2.45 - 3.45 Knowledge and Exchange session (list attached (opens new window))
  • 3.45 - 4.30 Keynote Address 4: The role of the Commissioner - Speaker: Helen Bown Joint Commissioning Manager Older People and Physical disability NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group.
  • 4.30 Summing up and close of conference - Chair: Paul Stephenson, CEO Cheltenham Borough Homes.


This event will be of particular interest to:

  • Chief Executives & Senior Management of Housing Associations
  • Public Sector Commissioners
  • Members of Health & Well-Being Boards
  • Independent Health & Social Care Providers
  • Housing Developers
  • Planners and housing & care strategists
  • GP's and clinicians
  • Health Professionals
  • Housing staff
  • Local Councils


To promote positive choices and prevent costly health interventions

Booking Terms

Important notice: the cost of this free conference equates to £150 per head. If you register to attend and then fail to attend, we will invoice your organisation for this amount.