Lived Experiences of Home Adaptations: Hearing from older people and practitioners - Northumbria

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


Adapting the home to changing need is known to support older people to stay at home, even with limited mobility or long-term health conditions. The Centre for Ageing Better commissioned qualitative research to understand motivations for and barriers to acquiring home adaptations and their impact on quality of life. A team led the research from Northumbria University, in partnership with Newcastle City Council, North Tyneside Council, Elders Council of Newcastle and Newcastle University.

The research looked at a wide range of experiences, across all tenures, including both major and minor adaptations. 30 older people were interviewed and some of them used a wearable camera to film everyday use of and interaction with home adaptations. The team also gathered ‘lived working experiences’ from a range of practitioners. 

The Housing LIN in the North East is delighted to support the development of this important research by inviting you to join us to learn from the key findings and to help test the recommendations. This interactive event forms a critical part of the research.

Centre for Ageing Better will launch the project findings in July 2018 seeking to influence national policy as the recommendations speak to the recent publication of the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee’s report on Housing for Older People (CLG, 2018) and its call for a national housing strategy for older people.

As you will be privileged to learn the key findings and recommendations before formal publication of the report, those attending will be asked to treat the discussions as confidential.   All input will be acknowledged and all participants will receive a copy of the final report.

Draft Programme

  • 12.00 Lunch and networking
  • 12.45 Welcome and Introductions  - Pip Hughes, North East Regional Lead, Housing LIN
  • 12.50 “The role of home adaptations in improving later life: The work of the Centre for Ageing Better” - Dr Rachael Docking, Senior Evidence Manager, Centre for Ageing Better
  • 13.05 Lived Experiences of Home Adaptations Research Findings - Drs Cathy Bailey, Phil Hodgson, Dominic Aitken and Gemma Wilson
  • 13.50 Lived Experiences of Home Adaptations Research Findings -  Partners’ introduction
  • 14.05 Small Group Discussion on Recommendations (tea & coffee)
  • 15.00 Research team feedback
  • 15.15 Older People’s Housing where are we now? Update from Housing LIN
  • 15.30 Sharing good practice within the region - opportunity to share your updates
  • 16.00 Close & Networking


Priority will be given to Housing LIN members in the North East and those invited by Centre for Ageing Better. Spaces are strictly limited to 60 participants.

Terms and conditions

Important notice: this event is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend.


For details of the venue see building 20 on the Campus Map which can be found at:

  • Centre for Ageing Better Logo
  • Northumbria uni logo