London Region Housing LIN Meeting - Morden

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held from 10am to 3pm at:

Oaks Court

Click here for directions to the venue (opens new window)


Differences in life expectancy between men and women are narrowing. More men and more couples are predicted to require housing with support and this will change the gender balance of residents. Now is the time to review how design and activities in schemes can meet these changing needs. At this event hear the views of male residents about their experiences and aspirations, find out what is working elsewhere. Recent research highlights the risks to health of sedentary lifestyles at all ages. Find out more about ways to increase physical activity levels among residents in extra care.


  • 10.00 Coffee/tea & registration
  • 10.15 Tour of scheme
  • 11.00 Oaks Court - background to scheme and linked Merton Priory Homes developments - Clare Cameron, Director, PRP Architects Specialist Housing group
  • 11.30 Meeting the needs of older men in housing with care
    • The changing demographic and its impact on gender mix
    • Views and experiences of older men about design and activities in housing with care
    • Examples of good practice in meeting needs of older men

  • 12.00 Comfort break
  • 12.10 Round table discussions about practical ideas for meeting needs of older men
  • 12.40 Lunch and networking
  • 13.40 New developments from the Housing LIN - Margaret Edwards, London Regional Lead, Housing LIN
  • 14.00 Approaches to design - promoting physical activity and access to green space - Tom Delhanty, Associate Director, PRP Architects Landscape team
    Questions and discussion about issues for designers and providers
  • 14.40 End and networking


Priority is given to delegates within the London Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £150 for cancellations without prior notice.