Meeting more than healthy and caring lifestyles - An Assisted Living Policy and Practice Day and Exhibition

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The challenges of an ageing population provide the backdrop for this policy and practice day. Rising costs and expectations of those in receipt of health and social care to live well at home, and a tighter financial envelope as the Government seeks to reduce public expenditure, are only a few of the challenges to be considered.
In partnership with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network, this event will explore the opportunities for the housing sector to build its role in supporting independent living through the application of telecare and telehealth technologies for older people and those with a long term condition, including those with dementia. It will identify the key issues that deliver sustainable assisted living solutions and how housing professionals can be at the forefront of service change and innovation.

  • Recent policy developments and how best to develop sustainable funding opportunities
  • Latest lessons from Whole Systems Demonstrator pilot schemes and other evaluated interventions
  • Approaches to supporting technological development and innovation
  • Examples of effective innovation in housing provision
  • Evidence of efficiencies and value for money approaches
  • How to achieve good governance in delivering effective service re-design and change management processes
  • The impacts of demographic change on tackling health inequalities in the North
  • Opportunities to be creative within a reduced public purse


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  • Decision-makers and senior managers in local authorities and housing with a responsibility for independent living services
  • commissioners in local authorities and the NHS
  • service managers and those with an interest in developing new approaches in housing services that aid living well at home
  • leading suppliers of assisted living products who want to better understand the changing housing market place

Booking Terms

Delegate Prices

  • Member Fee £219.00
  • Non Member Fee £269.00

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