South East Region Housing LIN Meeting

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This is to be a Workshop and Network Meeting, which will be held at Hanover's Head Office in Staines from 10.00am to 3.30pm:

Hanover House
1 Bridge Close
TW18 4TB
Please note that there is NO parking space at all.

There is a public, pay and display car park in Bridge Close right next to the office so drivers should bring plenty of change for the machine as costs vary - £3.30 for up to 3 hours and £7.00 for 5 hours and over. Parking is available on upper level of car park for all and disabled parking on lower level (also chargeable but extra time given for charges). If this car park is full, use Two Rivers Shopping Centre car park which is across the road from the office, approx 5 mins walk.


This day workshop is participative, designed to stimulate discussion about retirement housing models that increase options available for individuals and provide an alternative to large-scale subsidised housing schemes, in a changing financial environment.

Attendees will have the chance to bring their own experiences and ideas to two interactive workshops, looking at real-life scenarios, discussing how future retirement housing could look and what new partnerships will be needed to ensure its success.

Some of the points for discussion include:

  • How can extra-care models fit a smaller sized development?
  • What makes retirement housing work well?
  • What have we learned about future extra care housing provision and strategic needs?
  • How do public services develop their roles to respond to a changing market?
  • What opportunities and challenges exist for not for profit & private sector providers and the 'squeezed middle' older owner occupier?
  • What about mixed tenure?
  • How can we enable people who want to, to take more control over the provision of their own retirement housing, including their own investment?
  • The 'Grand Designs' effect: is there a future role for retirement self-build in SE?
  • What new priorities should we be setting?


  • 10.00 Arrival - Tea & coffee
  • 10.15 Welcome and introduction - Sue Terry, SE Housing LIN
  • 10.30 Co-Housing: an alternative retirement housing option - Meera Bedi, Housing 4 Women, Barnet Co - Housing Project
  • 11.00 Workshop 1: 'Taking another look: exploring strategies, partnerships and site opportunities for alternative retirement housing in SE.' - Sue Terry, Housing LIN & colleagues from Hanover Housing
    Workshop 2: 'What makes a retirement housing scheme work? Collaborative design exercise' - Patrick Devlin, Head of Third Age Housing, PTE architects
  • 12.30 LUNCH & NETWORKING - Generously hosted by Hanover
  • 13.30 Workshop 1 & 2 as before - repeated from morning session, attendees switch groups
  • 15.00 Feedback from groups
  • 16.00 CLOSE


Priority is given to delegates within the South East Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice.