South East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Oxford

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be hosted by Bedford Pilgrims HA (Landlord) and Order of St John of the Cross (Care provider) from 10.30am to 3.45pm at:

Shotover View
Craufurd Road
OX4 2 SQ

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


  • 10.30 Arrival at Shotover View
  • 10.45 Welcome - Sue Terry Chair SE Housing LIN
  • 10.50-11.10 Commissioning Shotover View - Nigel Holmes Oxfordshire County Council; Clare Keating bpha; Clare Cameron PRP Architects; Jenny Buterchi PRP Architects
  • 11.10 - 11.45 Tour of scheme - Amy Herbert, Housing & Care Manager, The Orders of St John Care Trust
  • 11.45- 12.30 'The ASSET Project' - Dr. Simon Evans Principal Research Fellow/Head of Research Association for Dementia Studies University of Worcester
  • 12.30- 1.30 NETWORKING LUNCH kindly sponsored by bpha
  • 1.30 - 2.15 'The Business Case for ECH in East Sussex: An Evaluation of ECH schemes in East Sussex' - Jenny Tuck and Georgiana Robertson, ESCC
  • 2.15 -2.45 "What makes the perfect maintenance service?" A Mini-Workshop session - Gemma Middleton, Sanctuary Maintenance
  • 2.45- 3.15 'Funding Extra Care - an overview of the new HLIN Technical Brief '- Jon Head, Housing Consultant - co-author of the Technical Brief
  • 3.15 -3.30 HLIN Round Up - Jeremy Porteus, Director, National Housing LIN
  • 3.30/3.45 - Depart


Priority is given to delegates within the South East Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice