A must read, latest Housing LIN weekly bulletin (25 June 2015)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
Housing LIN launches Housing & Health Exchange
The Housing LIN has been working with Public Health England and signatories of the Health and Housing Memorandum Understanding to get a web-based programme of knowledge and information exchange up and running to support peer to peer learning and discussion.
Launched at the CIH's health and housing event this week, this new resource is now live and offers you both the opportunity to raise key discussion points on health and housing matters that you would like to answered by other members based on their experience, knowledge and/or examples of practice. It also provides a place for you to upload resources that you have found useful and that you think will benefit other people using the Health and Housing Exchange.
Gill Leng, Housing and health lead at Public Health England stated: "The Housing LIN is known for connecting people, ideas and resources. This health and housing exchange is dedicated to those working across housing, health and social care and forms part of our overall strategy to build competence in the sector to ensure that professional have access to leading edge thinking and practice. "
Have you got a question or a document that you would like to post? Visit: www.housinglin.org.uk/HousingAndHealthExchange
For more on the Memorandum of Understanding and accompanying Action Plan, visit: www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HealthandHousing
New Housing LIN Case Study - Setting sail with extra care: The Trinity House Hub, Wallasey
This study gives an overview of the latest development within the Mariners' Park Estate, an eighteen unit purpose-built extra care housing scheme designed by Pozzoni Architects describing how this phase of development contributes to the overall vision for the park for retired merchant mariners on the Wirral.
Read in full at: www.housinglin.org.uk/TrinityHouse_CaseStudy
New Housing LIN pro forma - Assessment of Capacity to understand and sign a Tenancy Agreement
This form has been adapted by Sue Garwood for the Housing LIN so that it can be used by housing providers to assess whether a prospective tenant has the mental capacity to understand and sign a tenancy agreement. It is based on the test of capacity from the Mental Capacity Act. With thanks to Colet Kiss at Aldwyck Housing Association. Download at: www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/HLIN_Capacity_assessment_for_tenancies.doc
Housing LIN members will also be interested to learn that the minister, Alistair Burt, announced last week that the review of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards is being accelerated. They will be publishing a report and draft bill by the end of 2016, instead of 2017 which was originally scheduled - www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm150617/halltext/150617h0002.htm#15061741000002
Legal briefing on deprivation of liberty
The Cheshire West judgement made by the Supreme Court in March 2014 defined deprivation of liberty in a way that makes it much more likely than before to apply to people living in housing with care and other supported living settings. This briefing for social housing providers on the legal framework for deprivation of liberty was written by Joanna Burton of Clarke Wilmott solicitors on behalf of the National Housing Federation and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN).
It is divided into two parts, the first explaining the relevant law and the second outlining the responsibilities of social landlords.
Read in full at: www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Housing_advice/NHF_legal_briefing_on_DOL.pdf
And finally, the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is keen to raise awareness of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) in the housing sector. They are seeking views and insights from the sector on the challenges faced when an LPA is not in place, the customers' experiences and level of awareness of LPAs and the work of the OPG.
To have your say, email: partnerships@publicguardian.gsi.gov.uk
Crisis in Social Care
New figures from Age UK show an escalating social care crisis in England with 2.43 million bed days lost to the NHS between June 2010 and March 2015 as people wait too long for vital social care and home adaptations. They report that in 2014/2015, shortages in community health and social care services meant the NHS wasted hundreds of thousands of bed-days while patients waited for the right care and support, including:
- 174,138 days waiting for a place in a residential home
- 215,662 days waiting for a nursing home place to become available
- 206,053 days for help from social care workers or district nurses to enable people to return to their own home
- 41,389 days for home adaptations ranging from grab rails to ramps and stairlifts.
Read full story at: www.ageuk.org.uk/latest-news/bed-days-lost-social-care-delays
Individual Service Funds and Contracting for Flexible Support
Think Local Act Personal Partnership have launched this guide which provides comprehensive advice to help councils and providers of care services meet Care Act 2014 guidance on Individual Service Funds (ISFs). ISFs help people with care needs to have flexible, personalised support, tailored to individual preferences without having to manage the responsibility of cash direct payments. Aimed at council commissioners and providers, it sets out how councils can contract flexibly with a service provider to meet a person's needs, and contract in a way that gives the person more control over their own support. It means the service provider can have the highest possible degree of flexibility to work with the person to identify the best support to meet their needs and advance their wellbeing.
View at: www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk/News/PersonalisationNewsItem/?coid=10718
Telecare LIN weekly update
This week's news headlines from the Telecare LIN can be downloaded in two formats (doc; pdf) at:
- Telecare LIN News Headlines: 25 June 2015 (doc - 95Kb) (opens new window)
- Telecare LIN News Headlines: 25 June 2015 (pdf - 352Kb) (opens new window)
Superdensity report: The Sequel
Building on Living at Superdensity, this report by leading UK architects explores through a series of essays and case studies that it is possible to create successful places based around streets and a variety of urban typologies, including houses and medium-rise apartment blocks, as well as some carefully integrated taller buildings. Chapter Three on Creating Mixed Communities at Superdensity references older and disabled people in its recommendations on housing typologies as well as an illustration of the masterplan for the Aylesbury Estate in Southwark and the inclusion of an extra care scheme.
More at: http://www.superdensity.co.uk
Call for information
Skills for Care is keen to explore how it can best support the housing with care sector. They need your help to explore how best to address learning and development needs. Please complete this very short survey by 5pm on Friday, 10 July to help gain your views. This survey is best filled in by someone in your organisation who has a responsibility or knowledge of the learning and development of the organisations employees. It is very short (it will take no more than 15 minutes) and will help them to plan effective workforce support for the Housing with Care sector.
To access the survey please click here: https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=143472126073
Forthcoming Housing LIN regional meeting
- 09/07/2015 - East of England Regional Housing LIN meeting, Hoddesdon
Registrations now open under the following link: www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents
Other events supported by the Housing LIN
Enhanced health in care homes: Developing integrated care: what role do care homes play?
Jeremy will be chairing a session which will focus on housing based models of care at this King's Fund event in London 2 July 2015. Free places for patients/tenants/residents/relatives are available on request. Register at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/events/enhanced-health-care-homes
Falling Through the Gaps: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in the Fields of Ageing, Falls Prevention and Housing Interventions
This free London event from Care & Repair England and British Society of Gerontologists on 15 July 2015 may be of interest to researchers, planners, commissioners, providers & activists with an interest in housing, ageing & falls. Apply at: info@careandrepair-england.org.uk
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.