Government publishes a New Towns policy paper


The Government has published a policy paper on its New Towns programme, ‘Building new towns for the future’. The paper provides an update on Phase One of the New Towns Taskforce, reiterating the programme’s aims and objectives and lessons learned from previous programmes which will help inform the Taskforce’s final report, as well as outlining arrangements for Phase Two.

While there is reference to a number of key characteristics the government wants to see in the creation of new towns as part of its drive to build 1.5m new homes, including the links to health and wellbeing, affordable housing and a diverse range of dwelling types, there is no mention of the recommendations of the Older People’s Housing Taskforce in relation to planning for age-friendly homes and communities or any explicit reference to how the new towns will incorporate accessible, adaptable or inclusive design from the outset. Previous government statements refer to a new towns design code which will inform the ‘character’ of new towns.

The Housing LIN’s CEO, Jeremy Porteus, commented:

"With the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act this year, it is
disappointing to note that the policy adjustments and instruments on access needed to make our homes and communities are not explicit in this paper. We fully support the government’s vision and plans for housing growth but to deliver on this it is imperative that the lessons from the last Labour government’s strategy, ‘Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods’ are taken into account in Phase 2 so new homes and towns are accessible for all in future."

The Housing LIN is proud to be a founding member of the HoME Coalition (opens new window) calling for urgent action to tackle the UK’s acute shortage of accessible and adaptable homes.