Housing LIN Newsletter July 2012

Cover Housing LIN newsletter July 2012Following publication of 'Caring for our Future: reforming care and support', the government's Social Care White Paper, this month's Housing LIN newsletter headlines on the key features and the announcement of £200m for specialised housing, and much much more....

Brimming with content, 'Housing with Care Matters', features:

  • latest policy and funding news items on health, welfare reform, care and repair and housing supply, including the DCLG consultation on Use Class Orders on p2
  • one of the recent HAPPI winners from this year's National Housing Design awards on p3
  • the official openings of 3 DH funded Extra Care Housing schemes in Basildon (Essex), Carlisle (Cumbria) and Ormskirk (Lancashire) on p3
  • a selection of essential resources from the Housing LIN. New practice briefings on extra care, viewpoints on personalisation, investment and health, and case studies on personalisation and mobility vehicles on p4-5 and p8
  • other useful publications recently launched on housing for older people, housing, health and social care, and housing and dementia on p6-7
  • an essential update on telecare, including 2 new sector reports from the Housing LIN on telehealthcare and assistive technologies on p8
  • calls for information on upcoming Housing LIN briefing on remodelling sheltered housing on p8
  • highlights of news and activities from across our regions on p9-10
  • details of forthcoming regional Housing LIN meetings and conferences/events on p10-11, and
  • how you can contribute to future editions of 'Housing with Care Matters' on p11

Stay networked with the Housing LIN!