This week HLINks: 26 – 30 September 2022

Jeremy Porteus

Welcome to #Jeremytalks (opens new window) and this week's HLINks.

This week we were pleased to announce that West Waddy Archadia (WWA) continues its support of the Housing LIN through sponsorship of its Planning Homes and Communities for Older People webpages.

On Tuesday, we published a new report commissioned by LGA on how councils are planning, developing and delivering a range of housing opportunities and options to meet the needs of an ageing population.

I was also pleased to attend Wednesday's joint event by TSA, West Midlands ADASS, Housing LIN and TLAP in Birmingham. A key message echoed by all speakers was that houses are ‘fixed’ places, but people’s lives change all the time; housing needs to be inclusive, accessible and adaptable. As my first in-person event in a long time, it was delightful to see the networking unfolding in a room full of passionate individuals. See what I said over on Twitter (opens new window)

On Saturday 1st October, we celebrate International Day for Older Persons by sharing a case study and blog post by Maria Brenton, Senior Cohousing Ambassador at UK Cohousing, on the UK’s first senior cohousing community, High Barnet. 

And a quick reminder that we were pleased to kick off the HAPPI Hour series with last week's session on digital telecare! If you missed it, you can watch it here. The engagement and feedback was fantastic and has welcomely set the tone for the forthcoming webinars.

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: (opens new window)

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus

The Housing LIN would like to thank  Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.