This week’s HLINks: 9 – 13 January 2023

Jeremy Porteus

A very Happy New Year from all of us at the Housing LIN and welcome to the first issue of HLINks this year!

If you are a new subscriber to our weekly e-news, we publish this bulletin every Friday and provide a round-up of the latest news, views, resources and events on housing with care matters, as well as #JeremyTalks - an overview of what caught my interest, each week. Happy reading!

In this week's #JeremyTalks, I set out my top 5 wishes for 2023 for the specialist and supported housing sectors. 

We published two new guest blogs: the first, by Anna Cameron, Head of Growth and Service Development for Learning Disabilities at Look Ahead on how to be optimistic about social care; and the second by Dr Niamh Murtagh, Principal Investigator for ARC for the Future at the University College London (UCL), on Building an arch of resilience - ARC for the Future.

Other items that caught my interest include:

Lastly, this week I was also pleased to present at the inaugural meeting of the National Housing Community of Practice on Housing for Autistic People and People with a Learning Disability, hosted by NHS England

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus